Does putting a tampon filled with yogurt in the freezer cure a yeast infection? It 100% does. I know because I've done it and scientific studies have repeatedly confirmed it. Hiding a porcupine in your underpants is unsustainable for the long term, so give yogurt in your vagina a shot.

This cure is all contingent on you remembering to remove the tampon from the freezer and shoot it up your whoop tee woo, you understand. I know whoop tee woo is not a scientific term, but vagina seemed a bit bold for the first sentence.
O.K. .... I assume after that introduction it's just us girls here now, so I can be frank. One of the first posts I wrote for this website featured me testing whether yogurt for a yeast infection (bacterial vaginosis) really works.
Drinking water for a bladder infection worked, and those little home kits for pulling out the root of a plantar wart worked - so why not yogurt for your vagina?
The frozen yogurt worked. A 50 cent treatment made with something you probably have in your fridge right now. If you don't have more than a teaspoon of yogurt, I can show you how to turn 1 teaspoon of yogurt into 4 cups of it by making your own.
So a frozen yogurt tampon worked to get rid of a yeast infection. But how??
For a couple of reasons.
Table of Contents
A cold compress stops the itch from a yeast infection immediately. Topical cooling stops the itch because the extreme cold contracts your veins and cuts down blood circulation and you become numb.
A study published in 2018 by Boyi Liu and Sven-Eric Jordt very officially states:
"Cooling can decrease nerve excitability and conduction velocity and slow biochemical mechanisms essential for neurotransmission and neuropeptide release"
Liu B, Jordt SE. Cooling the Itch via TRPM8. J Invest Dermatol. 2018;138(6):1254-1256. doi:10.1016/j.jid.2018.01.020
In plain language, when cold touches the active, itchy agitated nerves it slows them down and calms their hysteria. It's vaginal valium.
Yogurt for Vag
Yeast infections occur when the candida fungus population (that we all naturally have in us) grows out of control. It parties in a hard way. Candida is normally kept at an acceptable level by the bacteria in our own bodies. When our bodies can't keep the candida fungus under control, we get raging yeast infections as the yeast colony grows and grows.
Yogurt, as we all know, is full of beneficial probiotics. Those probiotics include the bacteria lactobacillus which are what knock out the yeast infection. The lactobacillus in yogurt produces hydrogen peroxide which inhibits the candida growth. Yogurt bacteria stops the yeast from multiplying out of control.
This study on yeast infection treatments compared using yogurt and honey to using a commonly prescribed antifungal, Clotrimazole . Their conclusion was that yogurt and honey not only worked as well as the antifungal cream - it worked better.
This study indicated that the therapeutic effects of vaginal cream, yogurt and honey is not only similar with clotrimazole vaginal cream but is more effective in relieving some symptoms of vaginal candidiasis.
Darvishi M, Jahdi F, Hamzegardeshi Z, Goodarzi S, Vahedi M. The Comparison of vaginal cream of mixing yogurt, honey and clotrimazole on symptoms of vaginal candidiasis. Glob J Health Sci. 2015 Apr 3;7(6):108-16. doi: 10.5539/gjhs.v7n6p108. PMID: 26153168; PMCID: PMC4803919.
What causes yeast infections?
- Eating a lot of sugar and carbs. (these are IDEAL foods for yeast to feed on, plus carbs often have yeast)
- A weakened immune system because of illness or cancer treatments.
- Drinking a lot of alcohol. (alcohol contains yeast, depresses your liver function and can turn your regular sedate yeast into party time cottage cheese discharge yeast.
Remember: Boozing = Oozing
karen bertelsen
- The pill (birth control).
- Diabetes
- Warm / moist environments (that's why you need to wear cotton underwear).
- Stress. (which is too bad because that last thing you need when you're stressed is the urge to scratch your vagina with a boar bristle hairbrush when you're in public).
What causes vaginal yeast infections?
In addition to the causes of general yeast infections, vagina's have causes all their own.
- Taking antibiotics. (that's why when you take antibiotics for a urinary tract infection you usually end up with a yeast infection after the treatment)
- Peri-menopause or menopause (hormonal changes).
- Sex.
- Perfumed sprays, douching, cleansers.
- Leaving a tampon in too long.
- Wearing underwear that doesn't breath (either too tight or made of synthetic fibres).
All of these things can contribute to your increased risk of a yeast infection.
Would you like to save this stuff?
IF by the way you do get urinary tract infections, I have a natural cure that works for that as well.
Are you convinced that yogurt for a yeast infection is a good idea?
Good. Because it is. Here's how to get that yogurt where it needs to be.
I bet you were hoping there'd be a video of me trying this. There is. At first I didn't think the technique worked but make sure you WATCH UNTIL THE END.
Since making this video I've come up with a tidier way to create a frozen yogurt tampon.
Getting Yogurt in the Vagina
How to put yogurt in there and keep it there is pretty easy. The solution I tried so many years ago was to fill a plastic tampon applicator with yogurt (no sugar added plain yogurt and check to make sure it does indeed contain lactobacillus.)
- Fill a syringe that has no needle in it with plain yogurt. For thick yogurt use a large syringe and spoon it into the top. If the yogurt is a bit thinner you can suck it directly into the syringe by pulling back the plunger.
- Squirt the yogurt into the end of an empty tampon applicator until it's full.

- Get your yogurt tampons in the freezer and leave them until they're cold and hard.
- Once they're frozen you can insert it just like you would a regular tampon or you can pop it out and insert it with your finger.

I'm going to tell you something now. Pay close attention. A frozen yogurt tampon is COLD. Like, very cold. Eyes watering cold. But it works.
If you just can't tolerate having a frozen yogurt pill thawing in your vaginal canal, you can skip the tampon freezing and applicator and just use the syringe to apply yogurt inside of you. It will still be cold, but less so.
Make sure you're using plain, sugarless yogurt that contains Lactobacillus acidophilus. Almost any plain unsweetened yogurt will have that. Just look to make sure it has live cultures.
Yes. We've been through this. To reiterate - plain yogurt is both scientifically and anecdotally proven to treat yeast infections quickly and in a cost efficient way.
And NOW if you're interested, here's the story of my own yeast infection.
Once upon a time I got that itchy feeling down there.
I was pretty sure it wasn't a mosquito bite and almost positive I threw my poison ivy underwear out, so it couldn't be that. It was looking more and more like a yeast infection. I hadn't had one in several years, but it's kind of like riding a bike. You don't forget it and it can give you a funny feeling down in your nether regions.
It wasn't what you could describe as "raging". I certainly didn't have to sequester myself inside the house so I could scratch between my legs with a bottle brush, but it was definitely something that would need taking care of.
So ... as I am want to do, I headed to the untrusty Internet to see if there was some sort of home cure.
There were a bunch of suspect cures on there, suggested by obvious whack jobs, but there were also a few actual possibilities.
One of which was the frozen yogourt tampon. Hmm .. sounds kind of plausible. The more I thought about it, there was no way that perfectly reasonable solution was suggested by a whack job. I was gonna try it!
So I froze some yogurt in a tampon, shoved it up and waited. It didn't work right away. In fact I didn't think it had worked at all. But 24 hours later I had relief.
The natural bacterial cultures, plunged deeply into my inner womanness got to work like little vagina chimney sweepers, getting rid of the bad bacteria and building up the good.
If you have a yeast infection, put that porcupine back in the forest and open the fridge. I bet you're itching to try it.

Karen, I make milk kefir, do you think that would work instead of the yogurt?
Hi Raina! Yes, the kefir will work! I haven't done it with kefir, but I know it works. I've used sour cream and it works, but for some reason I always double the amount of sour cream. I guess I'm afraid it isn't as full of probiotics as yogurt, lol. So I might do the same with kefir. ~ karen!
Yogurt is a great for easing the ugly nature of a yeast infection, and have used it as a quick fix on a couple of occasions. Once I mentioned it to a couple of other women, and they laughed and laughed, as they were sure I was joking…I wasn’t. But, the added idea of the frozen tampon takes it to a whole new level. Koodos 👍
This article is posted with perfect timing for my future health. I was recently diagnosed with digestion issues. I am currently on a very strong antibiotic. Like death and taxes, it's inevitable I will end up with a yeast infection. Unfortunately, I cannot take probiotics with this medicine which would have decreased the chances of an infection. This article will be saved in my Karen folder with all your other great tips.
What a delightful find - a true serendipity!
Ah... nostalgia! This is the post that led me to you so many years ago. I don't know how I found it in the first place, as I wasn't searching for DIY yeast infection cures, tampons, yogurt or any combination of said items. But I do know that I was absolutely delighted to read about and watch you do exactly that!
Do I have chickens? No. Do I make my own maple syrup? Nope. Do I fix my own appliances when they break down? Hell's to the no. Do I do any of the things you fearlessly throw yourself I to? Definitely not. But I faithfully read each and every post, because of you and your voice! Keep being you!! ❤
I notice you waited until April THIRD to post this!
These tips are gold, Karen. GOLD! I hope you're enjoying the spring. Anything new and improved going into the garden this year to support our pals the lovely Monarchs? I have friends in Oakville who started an official Monarch Waystation last year in memory of their beautiful daughter who left this world too soon. They have milkweed, but are there any particular nectar flowers you recommend for them? I'm assuming they live near you. Thanks!
About the only thing I (yer basic guy person) feel comfortable, safe and most likely legal posting on this nether regions topic is that I applaud your courage, honesty, integrity and fact-based reportage on a condition many might otherwise silently suffer. Kudos Ms. Karen.
This made my day LMAO Thank you so much!
Totally hilarious, loved the video. Glad it worked! I could have used this info in my 40's & 50's rather than spending $$ for prescriptions (which you couldn't get over the counter 15 - 20 years ago)!
I have no vagina (thank G-d) but I would suggest a piping bag (without the decorative tip probably).
:'D Was reading today's post on the brooding chicken and somehow ended up here. Too funny. Xx
Ha! Yep. You never know what kind of thing you'll stumble upon on my site. ;) ~ karen!
This is an old column but I recently discovered you and am working my way through your posts. So here's my story...
I had never had a yeast infection but I'd never had ANY infection, thus had never taken antibiotics but when I was 28, my hubby and I were leaving for France for 6 weeks. I got a sinus and ear infection just before we left and, to avoid flying issues, my doctor gave me an antibiotic. Mind you, I'd never even HEARD of a yeast infection! I was a bit sheltered. The doctor didn't give me any clue what might happen. A couple of days after arrival, I woke with a RAGING infection! I was itching! OMG, it was so horrible! I tried to wash it away, not knowing what it was, but soap made it worse! I didn't speak French, I went to the chemist but couldn't explain what was wrong! I had to wait it out and when we came home, I went to my doctor and told him I thought I had been dying from the inside out. He explained what it was.
Now I'm old and have an auto-immune disease. Because of that, I often get yeast infections, related to chronic Candida. When I feel one coming, I take a dyflucan. It's not pleasant but it's life.
Thanks for the chuckles!
Yogurt alone is NOT strong enough to cure a yeast infection. Yogurts contain the same type of probiotics that keeps the vagina healthy, yet everyone woman I know needs something stronger that contains those same probiotics. If you want something natural (like i do) that works, go with the Lady Soma Candida Cleanse. It doesnt upset my stomach and does not have harmful chemicals in it.
Hi Alyce, I appreciate you taking the time to comment. However, my website is based on fact. On things I have tried and deemed to be true. I don't just put stuff up that "I read about on the Internet". So I can assure you anything you find here is indeed true. So yes. It is possible for yogurt to cure a yeast infection. If it didn't work I would have published that it didn't work. But that wasn't the case. ~ karen
Amazing tip! I hope this will really work for me. Keep sharing informative guides, many women are looking for reliable ways to cure such infection.
Im confused, yours was gone in three days after this method? How many times did you do it a day?
Hi Hannah. It was a while ago and I haven't had a yeast infection since, but from what I recall I put it in a few times a day for a couple of days. Also remember I got it right at the beginning of the infection. Good luck! ~ karen!
I use yogurt for both yeast infections and BV. I like the frozen yogurt tampon actually! A good trick is to insert a regular tampon after. Ta-Da! Less mess. I always do this before bed too so in the morning I can wash everything away!
A good tip would be making sure the yogurt contains acidophilus and active cultures. Also, like mentioned, no flavor or sugar :)
Bajeeni! I am on the floor. Literally!
When my bajeeni is giving me that (not so) lovin’ feeling, I use an empty (and very well rinsed) single-use douche bottle to get the yogurt where it needs to go. Then I lie on the floor with my bum up against the wall and my legs straight up. It’s a pretty good stress-relieving yoga pose called Viparita Karani and frankly, if I have a yeast infection and yogurt up my bajeeni, a little stress relieving is a good thing!
(I moved this reply down to the end b/c I realized that replying to a reply from a couple of years ago wasn't the best idea.) Karen, gotta tell ya - you are one Rockstar!!
The freezing doesn't destroy the active probiotics in the yogurt? Guess not, since it still works. Just wondering. A doctor once told me that eating yogurt every day through your next period would take care of a yeast infection, and although I try to, I still get 'em occasionally. Now, I will add that this is the doctor that asked me if I engaged in any weird sexual practices when I went to him for recurring UTIs, and then for the resulting yeast infection from the antibiotics he prescribed. He was also the county coroner. I found a new doctor.
It's an amazing paragraph in support of all the online users;
they will get advantage from it I am sure.
I just had to say that was so funny I love your sarcasm!!! I don't know if anyone has said anything but I am using the tampon yogurt but without the applicator. They sell them in the store and you dip it into the yogurt and use your finger to push it up. I have also read tons of stuff with boric acid pills. Couldn't find it in the regular supermarket or Whole Foods but tons of info online shops. Again loved the video. I was laughing out loud.
As a former baker's assistant I can tell V. Ellis than we used to add vinegar to some bread doughs to enhance the action of the yeast and baking soda to kill the yeast. A vinegar douche or bath may help with odor temporarily but I doubt truly that it will get rid of a yeast infection.