This is the start of my onion chopping post otherwise known as How to Chop an Onion. I know. This is scintillating text so far.
Chopping an onion is one of those things that everyone has their own way of doing.
Some are hackers, some are whackers and some are very meticulous about it.
For dicing I used to just slice my onion and then kind of dance my knife around the slice until it was sufficiently diced. Sometimes I'd stack 2 or 3 together onion slices together to save on time. This rarely saved on time. Onion slices have a tendency to fall apart and slide off each other.
So several years ago I learned how to properly dice an onion. I saw it on some random cooking show.
And if you've seen a random cooking show in the last decade I assume you also know how to properly dice an onion. But in case you haven't or you'd like a refresher, I have for your viewing enjoyment today:
How to pluck a chicken.
Would you like to save this stuff?
Just joking.
How to dice an onion.
Sorry if the Blair Witch Boob Cam made you nauseous but I couldn't figure out another way to shoot the video. And yes. Those were my onion goggles. Get a pair. They'll change your life. Never cry a tear while chopping onions again. Just strap on your goggles and start cutting.
To recap for those of you with a slow Internet connection:

And that is the end of my onion chopping post. Need to know how to chop a mango? Take a look at this tutorial.
I am 80m. I've been cooking for myself my whole life. IMO, onions are "god's gift to cooks." Yes, I do not capitalize god because, well, god doesn't deserve it... yet. OK, I have diced and chopped too many ways to remember. Fact is, I do it differently every time. I realize that a professional cook/chef would be better at it, but I'm not bad... at all. A cousin of mine has been eating raw onions since a kid. I asked her recently if she still does, the answer is yes. Onions rule! Recently, I'm leaning to red a lot. I tried to grow them, have had middling success, but this last year, no soap. I'm working on giant bags of yellow and red from Costco. Yay!
Hopped into my time travelling machine to 2022 to say thank you for saving me thousands of dollars on culinary school. Now on to the “how to cut a zucchini” video.
LOL. glad you made it here safely. ~ karen!
I've done it this way all my (cooking) life--and I never even saw the random cooking show! Who knew I was an onion-genius.
You are NEVER too old to learn something new.
I just came back to this post to tell you that I FINALLY gave the goggles a shot and OHMYGOD you're a genius. I'm super sensitive to onions and start crying to the point that I can't see, and then I have to beg my boyfriend to take over. He was super impressed with my onion chopping abilities and said it was an added bonus that I looked ridiculously cute while doing it! Thanks!
Excellent! Yup. They're like little cupped miracles over your eyes. ~ karen!
This may just have changed my life!
I will tell you right now, it did. ~ karen
I am an onion chopping cry face gets soaked. Just found the miracle cure. throw your onion(s) in the freezer for 5-10 minutes pre-chopping. johnson johnson no all!!! :)
My husband doesn't believe me that wearing goggles works. I'm SO FREAKING GLAD you do it too. It works I tell you! It works!
Haha-- and I thought I was the only one who wore goggles while chopping onions!
And hey... When you DO have to do onion duty, 'might as well chop up the whole danged thing and put the extra in a baggie in the freezer for next time.
i always cry...i dont know whats wrong with the onions these days...they are jus getting more angry... i neeed a goggles....thank u for teaching this new technique...great video and boob cam
My 5 year-old keeps telling me to wear goggles when I sob over my onions. I thought that I would look too silly, but if it is good enough for Karen. . .
oh my god.
if only ina garten wore those goggles. PER-FECTION.