Curious about how to lay VCT tiles? They look great, cost nothing and are especially appropriate if you want a bit of a vintage feel. This video will show you exactly how easy it is to lay VCT tile.
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I've had VCT tile in my kitchen for years now and I still love it. It's softer and warmer to walk on than ceramic or natural stone and you can even put heated floors underneath it, which I also did.
Laying VCT tile is an easy job for any do it yourselfer and it costs almost nothing to lay down. To do my kitchen, mudroom and bathroom the materials cost about $300, tops!
How to Lay VCT
Quick video of laying VCT tile.
Hi! I LOVE your kitchen! Everything in the picture! Do you know where/what kind of vct that is. I see the specs in the 'white' tile, but is the black a solid black or is there a spec in there as well. Thank you for sharing!
I’m wondering why you didn’t include any video of you actually laying all those tile? Very odd
I'm not sure what you're talking about. I do lay a tile. It's a quick video. If you're interested in more information you can read my post here. ~ karen
That was great. I have been wanting to do the floors in my shop/business. Oh my, we levelled 1/2 the house 30 years ago and not the other 1/2 so there is a good 1.5" step up. You should see strangers go flying if they don't see it. geehs. I have been wanting to do the concrete like you. After watching you I think it would work perfectly. The tips are so valuable - especially renting the drill-my hubby will appreciate that one. Your floor looks fantastic. I would venture to say there is not much you can't do. I always say: never underestimate the power of a good woman. :-).
Thank so much Karen. I am encouraged now.
Nova Scotia
Hi Darlene! That's great. :) Yes you absolutely can do it. The only reason I can do any of these things is because ... I try. :) Good luck. ~ karen!
I'm late but I love the floor! I found your site via google while looking for info on VCT tiles. You mentioned in the earlier post that you had an easy trick for cutting tiles on the diagonal. Not just the hair dryer but - I think - a way to easily calculate the cut the edge against the wall. Can you please share? Thank you!!
Hi Jess! I ended up not doing that post! Maybe I will now, lol. And now … I forget how I did it! It'll come to me, just not this second. It involved making a template out of cardboard that was 17" instead of the 12" you would think it should be. I'll try to remember! ~karen