For a couple of weeks now I've been worried that you haven't seen this. I love a good what's your stripper name game (who doesn't want to alleviate themselves of the stress that comes with making up their own adult dancer name) and this is along those lines only you don't end up picturing yourself as a wearing pasties that hang down around your waistline.

The chart was sent to me through Instagram from a follower who sends me the odd thing and if I didn't finally just share it with you it was going to start tap dancing around my head until I did.
Take a look and then lemme know what your dog calls you so I can get back to my life.
Would you like to save this stuff?

As the title of this post revealed, the name Philip calls me according to this chart is, My funny emotional support human.
Eerily accurate.
O.K. let me know what you got and then we can all go back to our pole dancing.

My Speck apparently calls me My Funny Waste Management Specialist. And he sure does make sure I have plenty of waste to manage. What a good boy I have!
My boy Frank calls me My #1 Sugar Mama, and ain't it the truth!
My funny belly scratcher - cause who doesn't love a good belly scratching?
Well, seeing how I don't have a dog, I'm going to take creative license and tell you that my CATS call me "My Fave Food Lady". Yeah...I can see that. Happy Canada Day to you!
I do miss having a cat! ~ karen
My Funny Food Lady - Exactly!
My cuddly nose boop specialist
My silly culinary artist… nailed it👍
My funny lick mat! How rude! 😂😂 This was cute. I haven’t worked up my stripper name recently enough to remember. 😇
My silly treat dispenser !
My precious bum massager--LOL!
Poodles (and most doodles) do not identify as dogs. Of course they need emotional support humans! 8 years owning a boarding kennel and 3 standard poodles, several toy poodles and 578,090 doodles later...
trust me on this :)
My loyal sugar mama......absolutely true!! hahahaha
"My funny ball thrower", but as my daughter pointed out, ours should be switched because hers is "my devoted waste management specialist" and that's basically my job for the two dogs in our household.
My precious belly scratcher, and its so true and least half a dozen times a day. x
My Funny Treat Dispenser. Accurate. lol
"My silly waste management specialist".
I have a cat, so ... absolutely spot-on. :D
My #1 Grooming Guru - which is funny because I'm absolutely crap at grooming - at least my dog comes out decent, but my sister's golden-doodle, who haa been allowed to get matted to the point of dred locks look like hes been groomed by a drunken 5 year old.
Hilarious and true!
My Loyal Toy Supplier 🦮🦮
Well, as you usual, Karen, you have done it again!! I love it!! You always provide me something positive, smart, fun, and happy!!
My dog calls me: “my #1 emotional support human.” Yes, eerily accurate!
Thank you!!💕💕🐾
My Best Ball Thrower??!!!
My Talented Culinary Artist