Lonesome Dove. If I was forced to pick my absolute favourite book, that's what it would be. There are others I thought were great and loved, but ... I always come back to Lonesome Dove.
Which is funny because I picked it up and started it around 5 times before I could get past the first few pages. I'd pick it up, start to read it and think ... Uch. I can't read this book. I did that 5 times.
I either just wasn't in the mood for that particular book, or maybe the first few pages confused me. I don't know. But I kept trying and one day I picked that book up and it hit me like a donkey kick to the face. THIS was the greatest book ever written.
Last week I wrote a little post explaining a bit about what the Pulitzer Prize is exactly and how it started. Some, but not all of my favourite books are on the list.
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Wanna know some more of my favourite books? Too bad.
Because today isn't about some of your favourite books. It's about the ONE book. The single, all time favourite.
No cheating and no doubling up. You are forced to pick one and only one.
In the comment section, write the name of your favourite book. I don't want stories to go along with it, why you liked it ... nothin' like that.
Just the name of the book (and author if you want).
That way you can come back here and easily scroll down the comments to find a good book. There won't be any talking or blabbing interfering with the list. Books. Just books.
I'll start us off.
One Hundred Years of Solitude ~ Gabriel Garcia Marquez
At last - I am coming so late to this party, but couldn't believe that nobody else nominated this book. I re-read this about once a decade, since I was 19 years old.
The Dog Who Wouldn't Be -Farley Mowat
I meant to tell you last week, I think A Tale of Two Cities might be my new favourite. Just for the last few pages. Big tears - right in the lunchroom at work. A fantastic story. Pardon me...tale.
Redeemed by Francine Rivers
Catcher in the Rye - Salinger
Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
great list! i trust all the people who read this blog too :)
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.
read book 13 times between age 16 and early twenties.
The Shipping News by Annie Proulx
Great book! I loved when they helped him fix his boat but then sunk it so he wouldn’t leave.
Thanks, Karen for putting this out there. Can't wait to start reading some faves from other book lovers.
Saw your article in the the latest Style at Home. I can totally relate. We did out backyard last summer. Old deck pulled out in April, followed by digging and digging and digging and finding places for the stuff we dug up, lugging gravel, sand and stone and planting, then more planting then, finally, a backyard we love (oh yeah, that project ended in AUGUST!!!!!). Totally worth it though.
Discovered your blog through pinterest and check it out regularly. Always interesting.
A Soldier of the Great War by Mark Helprin
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke.
Fancy Pants, Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Woman in White by Wilkie Collins
Gripping. I loved it.
To Kill A Mockingbird, yup.
gotta love it.
Cat's Eye by Margaret Atwood is my favorite book.
Jane Eyre will always be my comfort food of books. I first read it in childhood and still pick it up from time to time in middle age.
"The Way of Kings" by Brandon Sanderson. AWESOME.
East of Eden - John Steinbeck
Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry
To Kill A Mockingbird comes in first...Stones From The River
The World According to Garp ~ John Irving ~ only book I have EVER read twice!
I loved this book and it was my introduction to John Irving as a novelist. It's a wonderful, charming, funny and heartbreaking book.