If you hung an owl box when I suggested, it's time for you to gather a mountain of snacks and stare at it until your neighbours call the police.

Mating season has arrived for the Eastern Screech Owl. I've mentioned before that these owls aren't in a particularly stable relationship.
But it works for them.
There are 2 owls that use this owl box; Mr. Snacks and Mrs. Snacks and if you haven't heard of them before, read this post so you're caught up.
Mr. Snacks is quite committed to their relationship and home life while Mrs. Snacks will disappear for weeks or months at a time. All winter Mr. Snacks has been in his owl box in a tree just outside my kitchen window.
Every day. Every single day. No gallavanting.
Enter my friend Andrea. Andrea made plans to visit one morning last week. She made plans to visit Mr. Snacks, but arranged the visit through me. Dumb move because of the morning she arrived, Snacks was on walkabout for the first time since about Halloween.
He was gone.
Andrea and I stared at each other for about 4 hours and then she went home. Upon arrival she texted me to ask if Snacks showed up.
Andrea texted me the next morning to ask if he showed up.
Would you like to save this stuff?
I woke up early Thursday morning, around 5:30 a.m. and could barely see the outline of Mr. Snacks in the tree during the dark of pre-dawn. Feeling relief, I went back to bed for another 7 hours. The first thing I did after my encore wake-up was take a look at the owl box.
I was met with the perturbed, bordering on miserable look, of the recently returned Mrs. Snacks. She doesn't like me. See for yourself in the photo at the top of the post.
On Friday the box was empty again so I took advantage of the situation by climbing into a tree in -8 C weather.

Last week I bought a camera that fits inside the roof of the box. Today I installed it. My hands are still cold. You can't maneuver a miniature screwdriver for a mini video camera while wearing mittens.
Now I wait until one of them comes home and hope they aren't offended by the redecorating. I also threw in a new handful of dry leaves to make it more appealing for a home birth.
The company I got my owl box from seems to be on hiatus, this is the closest to it, which you can get on Etsy.
You'll be the first to know when one of them comes back.
I need snacks.
I can’t wait to see your photos of the interior. Just like Canadian House and Home.
I’m excited for this year’s owl adventures.
That picture of you would be a good puzzle! : )
Knock, knock. Who’s there? Owl. Owl who?
(Hahahaha! That’s the whole joke!)
Owl be perched here on in the edge of my seat awaiting the continued adventures of the Snacks’ family.
Very exciting news - can't wait for this years photo rich adventures!
Your neighbors are very lucky.
Ditto on all the excitement that the Snacks are back. Great that you have a new camera to see what they're up to, and babies if and when. Baby those poor hands. So I'm just wondering what the big black thing hanging from a chain on your tree is. If it's a feeder, did you buy it or make it? Details, please.
Thanks for the laughs - needing them these days! :)
I just enlarged the photo…. it’s a hanging light. Looks very cool.
Oh Karen. I am so excited to hear about the owl adventures.!! I can’t wait to see the new baby snacks when he arrives 🥚
Keep us posted. 🎉
A group of photographers stalk the Bald Eagles of North Park near Pittsburgh. They say the female leaves for months and if they get busy fortifying the nest when she returns in February, they intend to bring eggs/chick into their home.
Good to hear other female fowl fly the coop. Owls don't actively form nests. They don't bring sticks or soft downy pieces or anything. So you have to throw in a few leaves or shavings to make it more enticing for them. ~ karen!
I got one too! He showed up and then disappeared but l remember that happening to you so fingers crossed he comes back!
I am extremely excited to hear about this. Made my day!
I’ve missed you Karen! And the Snacks family as well. However, I hope a divorce is not imminent, as the Mrs. seems a bit ticked off.
Lovely post and such good news! Keep up posted, for sure!
Great news! They have common sense, coming back. They recognize your surroundings as a perfect place to set up house. Even if you keep staring at them.
Looking forward to following the adventures of the owl family. Thanks!
Exciting news! Thanks for your dedication!
Oooh, sweet! Thanks for the post on Mr. & Mrs. Snacks; I'm excited about your new camera. Whew, kudos on the installation at such frigid temps - ooh, your poor little fingers! Go Karen! I'm kicking myself for not installing my new owl box- well, I could be black & blue over the tasks I haven't finished. Never a dull moment.
She looks like such an old floozy. I wonder what he sees in her? So glad they're back though and looking forward to further updates. I adore owls. Watch yourself on that ladder girl.
Proof that in Canada pretty things grow in trees. Happy that the owls are back in their own way and hope you get some satisfying pics.