Today's post is a lesson in the fact that sometimes it's right to do the wrong thing. Sometimes, as this charming colloquialism suggests, you just have to get-er-done.
Earlier this summer I turned an old Ikea outdoor table into a sweet pea trellis.
This isn't a post on how to make a trellis out of a table or a table out of a trellis. It doesn't even claim the trellis looks good; no, this-post is a demonstration in how perfection is paralyzing.
Case in point.
I still haven't bought a sofa.
It's O.K. to strive for mediocre.
With most things, especially things I build or DIY, I don't worry about perfect. If I waited for the perfect plans, the perfect day or the perfect materials I'd never accomplish anything.
If we all waited for the perfect weather conditions on the paint can, nothing outdoors would ever get painted and John Mellencamp would be singing about little beige/wood tone houses.
During garden clean up I discovered a massive perennial sweet pea vine hiding behind my air conditioner. I was about to rip it out - because perennial sweet pea pops up quite a lot around the yard - when I thought HEY Karen, how about you make that climb up the side of the house instead?
If I don't act on a whim like this right away I will never do it, then it will become part of the collection of nagging thoughts that tap dance around my brain all year long joining:
- i have to figure out a way to make doing my taxes easier every year
- i hate my bed
- i wonder if there's a raccoon living under my porch
- where are my sunglasses
It's actually more of a waltz than a tap dance now that I've thought about it at greater length. Like a JOLT of a reminder (about something you have to do but don't want to do) followed by 2 minor reminders in quick succession.
And they never end until you do or find the thing. So it's best just to get something done while you're in the mood to do it rather than wait for everything to be perfect.
Into the backyard and through the mudroom door I went, to grab my twine. I knew exactly where it was because I am now an organized person who knows where things are except for several things that I've put "some place safe" over the years.
As I made my way back through the Little Shop of Horrors rhubarb patch to the sweet peas (stepping on the same cosmos plant twice), I knew I was setting myself up for failure.
The twine might have been easy to find but it was lightweight and the scissors only cut when given a cheer squad level of encouragement.
BUT I DIDN'T CARE. I was doing this.
At the same time I realized if I was going to do a half assed job of tying up my sweet peas I should do an equally half assed job of filming it.
Cheers to you if you recently did a half assed job on something just to get it done. Sure, sure there's a lot to be said for doing something right and doing it once buttttt ...
Sometimes doing stuff the right way means never doing stuff at all. The trick to life is figuring out what has to be done the right way and what's fine to do the wrong way.
Having an easy to use spreadsheet and accountant, cementing in the entire foundation to your porch, and putting your sunglasses in the same place at ALL times are some of the things you really should consider doing the right way.
Love your sweet pea trellis Karen reuse is the name of the game. I have never seen all white sweet peas before they are cool.
Thanks Lynn! I have to admit it's a bit rickety looking, lol. I'll decide in the fall whether to repaint it and rehang it or just take it apart and use the boards for something down the road. ~ karen!
Thank you for this post. In recent years I have been perfecting the art of procrastination. There is always so much to do I never know where to start. My Dad (R.I.P.) used to say "Just start, you'll figure it out as you go". He taught me how to do so many things, but the most important thing was basically- just do it!
You have inspired me to return to my To-Do List!
It's true. Just start. ~ karen!
Pamela Chasse
Progress NOT Perfection :)
Helen Mary Hubert
Hmm, great post! Do you ever follow Flylady? Her philosophy is "housework done incorrectly still blesses your family". I repeat that most of the time when hubby is vacuuming. My other favorite expression is "done is better than perfect". :-)
Indeed. :) ~ karen!
Sometimes you only learn how to do something by jumping in & doing it - even if it is half-assed or completely wrong. I love your sweet peas. Your attitude with things not being perfect reminds me of a time long, long, ago, when I was doing ceramics with a friend. She was always discouraged because her ceramic piece didn't come out perfect. I told her that if it was perfect it wouldn't look like it was hand made. I did mine the best I could but it was never perfect.
I'm definitely in the 'do-it-right-now-or-forget-about-it' camp. Never mind the ongoing list to tic off... it will be right there. Forever.
PS Love seeing the warmer clothing on (i.e. jeans)--we are still in the 90s down here in the American south...
Oh it's mainly that here as well. Although the past week or so have had less end of world type temperatures. Regardless, the video of doing the trellis was from early summer. :) ~ karen!
Sandy Drysdale
This post brings to mind one of my favourite tee shirts.
I found it on Amazon ... ~ karen!
HAHAHAHA! ~ karen
Kim Kelley
I really need to know aka circle back around to the CBD post from some years ago....Did you ever find relief from the things spinning in your head? Did you go big pharma route? I need to know the most efficient way to get lots done and stay sane :)
Yours forever....xxoo
Love you.
You have a knack for sending the exact "inspirational" post when I need it.
Off to halfass tidying for the cleaning lady now.
Mary W
This is how I live - just getting it done and how I have paid for it, also. I've become a hoarder for the 'just in case I need it' times. I make do since it is usually free IF I can find that treasured gem of junk I had once saved. It is fun to figure out what to do with said junk - creatively speaking - not the 'bend over and I'll show you" just for laughs. It is very forgiving since you will certainly get another chance to do it right one day. Your lesson here is free, fun, forgiving and finished - the biggest reward is feeling proud.
Diane S.
My dear hubster used to say "If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?" The answer was so painfully obvious it would LEAP from my lips. The evidence of my impatience shine in every major project we tackled, and remind me of his words, and best of all, his laugh. I wouldn't DARE correct them now!
I can still hear my grandmother say “if you’re going to do it, do it right the first time.” I listen to that about half the time because sometimes I just don’t know how to do it “right” the first time. And like you, Karen, I’d never get done much of anything.
Deb from Maryland
Yep, we are unconsciously mind linked - in the ethereal way, not in the creepy "I'm watching you" way. I spent this past weekend doing what you suggested - just do the thing when you think of it, even if you're not sure how it will turn out/won't have enough time, etc. I took care of a good amount of the things "I'm gonna do as soon as..." Thanks for the reminder. :)
Chris W.
Feeling a sense of accomplishment is way better than overthinking something and then never implementing it. I always feel better when I can cross something off my never ending to-do list. There are definitely times when just doing it is better than waiting around until you figure out how to be perfect - everything isn't "building a watch". P.S. Heather, I love your father's common sense way of thinking!
Thanks Karen! One of my Dad's favorite phrases! " let's do something, even if it ain't right!"
Good words to live by. I'm the ultimate procrastinator! ;)
It looks great and I LOVE the message about not waiting until it can be done perfectly. I am working on being ok with imperfection, which is a hilarious notion considering our entire WORLD is imperfect. However, the sweet peas? Those actually ARE perfect, gorgeous 😍
Randy P
To sum up then - better half an ass than no ass at all. I am not certain why that sounds kinda brilliant, but it sounds kinda brilliant. Thanks for sharing the moment. Luv ya'.