Snacks has been gone since yesterday morning. He's gone away for hours before but never for this many hours. I'm not positive, but I think Mrs. Snacks is gone too.

This is the latest known photograph of Mr. Snacks. He is always on the roost. I haven't seen him on the roost for over 24 hours now. I haven't seen Mrs. Snacks either, which almost makes me cry, but I rarely see her so she might still be in the box. I liked her. She had flare.
If I'm being totally honest, this is probably for the best because I've been considering turning this into an all owls, all the time, blog.
Likeeeeeee only owls.
Last week while I was making my dinner I cut and shaped an avocado into the shape of an owl. Either that or everything I look at now looks like owls.
Now we can get back to normal and admire the original, adorable balls of fluff.

He was a baby when this photo was taken.
Would you like to save this stuff?
Also ... GUESS WHAT?
After being missing for 36 hours, Snacks returned. And yesterday I spotted his bride.
All is right with the world again. Let's celebrate with a puzzle.

The Puzzle
I pledge to stop posting stuff about owls now.
Unfortunately I'm lying. I'm so sorry.
I'm learning to not panic when the owls behave abnormally. I trust they will extend the same courtesy to me.

So glad Snacks and his lady are back. Those wild animals really give you heart ache when they decide to move on.
Whew! Don't scare & worry me like that!
There can never be too much owls. We're enthralled! So happy for you that your love birds have reappeared. How about a straw poll to decide if your readers want to learn to sculpt an avocado into an owl? I vote yay! Or how about an owl from a bar of soap? That'd be cool too!
Now you're just purposefully putting thoughts into my. head. ~ karen!
Maybe she just wanted to be certain it was "The Best Nest"...