A stain remover you can make out of 3 things you probably own right now that'll work better than any stain remover you can buy in the store. Seriously. I've tested it.
Before any of you natural remedy eye rollers click away I should let you know that I'm part of your gang. I am a skeptic by nature but always willing to give something a shot and try it out. If it works (and a LOT of natural cleaning products work great) that's great, I'll add it to my arsenal. If it doesn't? I drink it. 'Cause you can do that with natural cleaners.
Just kidding. Please don't drink any cleaners unless it's made exclusively out of vodka.
So the sleeping cats ... If you see anything in the world anywhere and it is cute and cuddly you can immediately assume it is also stinky and stainy. Cats, dogs, babies, beets ... if it weren't for their looks and general ability to make us feel gooey inside they would all be sent on their way after the first time they made a poo. Or in the case of beets, the first time you made a poo and thought you were dying.
My little Siamese cat Cleo was traumatized when she was younger because I trained her to use the toilet. The actual toilet. My other cat Prada took to it like nothing, but Cleo was a bit small for training (I didn't realize this was a thing) and she found it hard. Because of this she revolted and started to pee in a corner.
For the rest of her life if her litter box wasn't 100% clean, she'd pee in a corner because of traumatization.
Which in the case of cats is something that can really happen, being traumatized by toilet training. Children on the other hand cannot be traumatized for life by toilet training. How many adults do you know that poop behind a curtain because their mom tried to get them out of diapers too early?
Once a cat starts peeing somewhere they aren't supposed to the smell stays and it's what tells their little brain that THIS is indeed the right place to pee. Even if it isn't. Even if it's hardwood. Even if you've discussed it with them.
Now my cat Ernie, the last cat I have left, has taken to missing the litter box. She perches herself on the edge of the box, hunches her back a little and whizzes all over the side of the litter box.
I have a big rubber mat under one of her litter boxes (the other litter box is a Litter Robot) but she'll sometimes pee so much that it even runs off the mat and onto my pine floor. Yay.
This solution will lift the stain and the smell of cat urine among other things. No joke. Better than the enzyme removers you can buy at the pet store.
DIY Stink & Stain Remover
- 16 ounces hydrogen peroxide
- 1 tsp. dishwashing liquid (preferably DAWN)
- 1 tbsp. baking soda
- Spray bottle
Mix all the ingredients together in a spray bottle and treat affected area.
Spray the floor and leave it until it dries, then wipe away or vacuum any white powder that's left (it's just the baking soda, you didn't Breaking Bad the solution into crystal meth or cocaine.)
Not only is this going to work on cat urine but it'll also work on just about anything that's stained. I've used it on fabric, wood floors and nylon.
Have dingy socks? Stained sheets? Towels? This'll work on all of that. Just put whatever you're working on in the sink and soak it. For socks you can spray them, put the in a plastic bag or airtight bin and let them soak overnight.
It's a quick thing you can mix up and go to town with this weekend if you're looking to do some spring cleaning.
If I'm being perfectly honest, I don't think I'll be doing any spring cleaning this weekend. I'm more likely to be taking part in my specialty - spring dirtying.
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Will the hydrogen peroxide in this solution bleach the flooring?
Hi Marcia! No it shouldn't but always do a spot test. ~ karen!
Karin, Thank you, of course! AND: ???How to clean toilet? I use brush which works for most. But The Ring---- from not flushing unless necessary---- remains.
from a water saver,
If that happens I just sprinkle all kinds of Comet into the water and close the lid for the day. The I come back and scrub it and flush. ~ karen!
Thank you for the Cat Pee" cleaner - stain remover. I have had cats my entire life and this is the first time I have a cat that has potty problems. I have used vinegar and backing soda since I was a child helping my mom in the house and in the garden but have never used hydrogen peroxie for a solution. You have saved my life and home.
It works really well Connie! ~ karen!