Scary Halloween table decor using antique dolls and glass cloches. For those of us who like some creep in our Halloween.

So a month ago when I was planning this year's Halloween DIY I knew I had to use dolls. They are the perfect combination of grotesque and terrifying. Am I right? In fact you've already seen one of my prize dolls heads in this Christie Antique Show post I did last month. It's the one on the right, below.
I didn't buy the head at that show, but saw it again at a show the next weekend and picked it up then. As luck would have it, after digging around a bit, the vendor was able to find the arms and legs and also donated the torso. It was at that exact moment this year's Halloween DIY was born.
The following simple DIY may be disturbing to some readers. And I'm O.K. with that.
DIY Halloween Decorations
Dolling up Halloween
Doll parts under glass. I know. It's disturbing. That's what makes it great.
The dolls and doll parts were all bought at local flea markets or antique shows; the most expensive one being $20.
If you don't have access to flea markets the best place to find vintage dolls or doll parts is Etsy. If you click here you can see what they have right now.
The glass cloches (other than the huge one in the centre) were all bought over the years at Homesense. That's Homegoods to you American folks.
Rule number one in any kind of decorating, grotesque or not, put something under glass and it'll look special. No. Matter. What.
Would you like to save this stuff?
Even a dirty old hand looks remarkable under glass.
The dolls legs are particularly gross. In other words, fantastic.
This full, straw stuffed doll cost me $20 at a flea market. The vendor had $45 on it but as I was looking at it he must have been so thrilled someone was interested that he dropped the price immediately to $20. SOLD. I'll be keeping this out in various places of the house throughout the year. I mean, you don't keep something as stunning as this hiding in a Tupperware bin in the basement. You just don't.
This is the head that started it all. The head without a body, until the vendor found the body in pieces for me.
I don't like dolls. Anyone who knows me knows that I hate dolls. They're gross and scary; like clowns. As a young girl, formulating my likes and dislikes, dolls very clearly fell into the dislikes group. Because of that, instead of playing with dolls, I would dismember them and throw them under my bed. Feeling empowered, I'd then run outside, find the nearest worm and claim him as my plaything.
There's a certain irony therefore in me displaying all of these doll parts under glass like specimens. They're almost elegant. It's the kind of elegance a worm would be hard pressed to ever achieve. I mean unless you put a top hat on him.
Antique, creepy, dirty looking dolls however, bring me the kind of joy I normally only get from finding leftover pizza in the fridge I'd forgotten about.
If you like this sort of thing you should take my full Halloween house tour. It's creepy but with something weirdly pretty about it too.

It other words, it's Pretty Grimm.
I got a box of antique dolls from the end of an estate sale. They were headed for the dumpster and I brought them home. Put them up on the mantle and my kids HATE them. One even texted to say he was up all night having nightmares of being chased by the dolls that climbed down from the mantle. I'm so happy. Bwahahahahaha
I had one guy who came into my house when they were out and he had the same reaction. Terrified and horrified. Weirdo. ~ karen!
These are my FAVE posts! I’m with you about the haunting and the creepy! Those dolls and bones are genius! Thanks for inspiring us to use some ingenuity! Let’s have some fun this Halloween cause we’re sure due for some!
I know! I wish I knew whether kids would be coming around. I guess the way things are moving we won't know until the actual day. :/ ~ karen!
ugh I cant take the eyes !!! this is soooo creepy worse than clowns, waaaaaay worse
did you keep the glow in the dark painted walls up all year - glow in the dark I love
Have you heard about the island in Mexico which is populated by creepy dolls? Enjoy:
I can't even imagine. I'm not going to click on it. I'm too afraid to click on it, lol. ~ karen!
Oh my, my dear, you ARE brave. I too, NEVER liked dolls and I think it's because at a young age I caught that creepy Twilight Zone episode where the girl's doll comes to life and starts to curse the household from the top of the stairs. YIKES!! It stuck with me and I never could abide eyes following me around the room anyway unless it's my child, dog or cat. In my mind those beast come alive and so...they are alive to me:))) (Not really, but kinda) Since childhood I haven't even been able to watch any horror shows where the dolls come alive, except Chucky, something about him was not scary, maybe because he is a boy doll, who knows. The pretty dress, big eyes, hair done up in pigtails or some old fashioned dew, the prettier and more old fashioned ~ the more wierded out I get. I simply can't keep them in the house, they must die, and die a death very far away from where I am living. Too many times people have, in innocence, given me one of those creepy monsters and they might have been quite valuable even. No matter out they go with sage burning purification ritual...just in case. K
Again with the creepy dolls....I love it you sick little puppy you!
Best Halloween decor I've ever seen. You rock Karen.
This is brilliant Karen!! Makes me think of the creepy possessed doll kept in a glass case so she doesn't wreak havoc on the world...your 'babies' are trapped under glass. That doll head with the eyes kinda looking up at you looks like she's giving you the evil eye!
My favorite is the straw doll with the sideways look, definitely should be kept out year round.
Just WOW. Just Wow.
The ultra-creepiness of your house-sized doll-body-part diorama is so delightful! We love your beautifully creative and slightly twisted mind<:}