Have a grungy cast iron pan you inherited that you're afraid of? No need to be. Cast Iron surgery coming your way! How to clean and season a cast iron skillet.
If you search the Internet you'll find a multitude of ways to season a cast iron pan with a variety of temperatures and materials. All of them involve rubbing the cast iron skillet with some type of oil and heating it in the oven (or even on the stove).
So a few years ago with a bunch of cast iron pans from a garage sale in hand, I tried them all to see which method was the absolute best. Cause that's what I do in my spare time. Well, that and slow dance to The Carpenters in my kitchen.
I already had a method for seasoning cast iron that that I liked but I figured I might as well see if there was anything better out there.
This same reasoning led me to abandon my regular jeans in favour of a pair of jeggings. The experience was horrifying all around. I'm back to jeans.
Almost all of the Internet suggestions say to coat the cast iron pan with whatever you're going to coat it with and then place it in the oven, upside down, over tin foil. This allows the extra oil to drip off, so in all experiments I used the upside down method.
Different sites recommended different oils including Vegetable oil, Lard or Shortening.
I tested each of them.
- First I tested Crisco (solidified vegetable oil) using the upside down method at a temperature of 500 °F for 1 hour.
- Second I tested Lard (animal fat) using the upside down method at an oven temperature of 500 °F for 1 hour.
- Third time around I tried liquid vegetable oil at 300 °F for an hour.
- Fourth I tried lard at 300 °F for an hour.
All of these were recommended methods on the Internet.
The winner? Using Lard (animal fat) at 500°F for 1 hour. (actually 1 hour and 15 minutes seemed best).
The only time you should use a vegetable based oil (solidified oil, shortening is best) to season a cast iron pan is if you are vegan or vegetarian. Using a vegetable based product for seasoning cast iron leaves a sticky residue. It's pretty awful.
By the way you can also buy a pre-seasoned cast iron skillet and avoid all of this trouble. I've never used one so I'm not sure how well they work.
How to Season a Cast Iron Pan
- Make sure skillet is clean and very dry before you season it. If your skillet has come to you from someone else (or the garbage) scrub any rust out with steel wool.
2. If steel wool isn't doing the trick you can place your dirty, disgusting, rusty cast iron skillet into your self-cleaning oven for the shortest time period allowed. Remove and wipe clean.
3. If you don't have a self cleaning oven, coat your cast iron skillet with oven cleaner, put it in a plastic bag and leave it overnight. Clean it in the morning.
4. Once your skillet is prepared for seasoning, grab yourself some lard or shortening. Remember, only use shortening if you absolutely have to due to being a vegetarian or vegan. And honestly, even then ... just use lard. I won't tell anyone other than the Vegan/Vegetarian association of the World.
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5. Take a small amount of lard and rub around the bottom and sides of the pan. You don't need a ton.
6. Line the bottom rack of your oven with tin foil.
7. Place your greased cast iron skillet over the foil upside down (so the drips will be caught by the tin foil)
8. Bake in a 500 °F oven and for 1 hour, 15 minutes. You need a high temperature for carbonization to occur. I think.
9. When your timer goes off, turn your oven off and open your oven door part way. Cast Iron has to cool down gradually. If you bring it right out into the much cooler room the skillet might crack.
You might need to season a brand new pan a few times before you're satisfied with it.
I have a good technique for cleaning a horrifyingly gross wood cutting board in case you have one of those hidden too.
Does seasoning cast iron produce smoke? OH YES! Your house will fill with smoke and your eyes will water so make sure when you season cast iron your windows are open and your exhaust is on.
How often should I season my cast iron pan? Do your initial seasoning whether it's a new or a used pan. If you cook in it regularly you shouldn't need to season it again! Clean it gently and don't scrub it or you'll scrub off the seasoned coating. If you do scrape it off because you maybe burned something in your pan and scrubbed hard to clean it, you will have to re-season.
Will my pan rust? Cast iron only rusts if it's left wet or damp. Dry it thoroughly after washing and you're fine.
What's the deal? What's so great about cast iron? Good question. Cast iron lasts for years. Like I'm talking 100 years if you take care of it (by cooking in it). Cast iron is naturally non stick (once you season it) and only gets better with age.
Does Cast iron add iron to your food? Yes! It really does. Weird, I know. In fact it adds significant amounts. The longer you cook something in it then the more iron is absorbed. So a quick cook frying an egg won't transfer lots of iron but slow cooking a batch of spaghetti sauce in cast iron will.
What temperature to season cast iron? 500°F for 1 hour is the method I've always used.
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I tried the seasoning on a bbq grill/ smoker and it worked amazing. I think the pan has to be hot as you are adding and rubbing the lard on it and then let it sit for 2+ hours. You'll have a glass looking cast iron seasoning after that.
Excellent! Good tip Leonardo. ~ karen!
Hi I just used this method to reaseason my car iron and it has a very small amount of dark season in the middle and sorry of splotches/spider webs out from there. The majority is not reseasoned. I did last for 1 he 15 min. It's not sticky. I used at least as much lard as you did. But it mostly looks dry/splotchy.
It seems to do this no matter what method I use (I've tried lower temps, other fat/oil etc.) But it always looks dry.
What am I doing wrong? It's alodge of that matters. Maybe it's just poor quality?
HI Sarah! A Lodge is a really good quality cast iron pan. :) If you're reseasoning, then the areas that were already well seasoned will be shinier than the other areas. Unless you completely remove the old seasoning (which you really don't need to do) it will look a bit splotchy. That's O.K. If the "dry" areas aren't non stick, that's an indication you need to season it again using the same method I outline in the tutorial. Try the pan though. It might be just fine. And don't forget the more you use the pan, the more it continues to season itself. ~ karen!
So I actually have the same issue - the “dry areas” are a lighter gray color looking like almost raw iron? I just can’t seem to get a nice solid layer on the inside of my pan. The sides and outside look good; it’s just the bottom (of course the area that actually matters for cooking). I have tried more lard and barely any but a very very thin layer and I’m just not sure why I’m having this issue?? Any thoughts would be soooooo appreciated! I also seem to have an issue when I clean it, it seems like the seasoning comes off a bit and the pan again starts to look lighter in color. I’m not overly aggressive with it and will use either water or salt to clean it but it’s almost like it’s too fragile for some reason. I just can’t seem to get a good layer down on the cooking surface…