10 ways to use a hair dryer for anything other than drying your hair.

Dear men who are bald and everyone else who doesn't own a hairdryer. You've been missing out on one of the best tools you can have in your house.
Last week when I told you about removing stickers from glass with them it got me to thinking about all the ways I use a hairdryer which has led us to this very point in time with this list.
10 Hairdryer Hacks

- Remove stickers or price tags from items by blowing hot air on them. The heat from the hair dryer will loosen the adhesive, making it easy to peel off.
- Remove wrinkles from clothes by blowing hot air on them. Hold the hair dryer a few inches away from the fabric and move it back and forth until the wrinkles disappear. Keeping the fabric tight helps. Works best on damp fabric.
Would you like to save this stuff?
- Thaw frozen pipes by blowing hot air on them. This can help to melt any ice that's blocking the pipes and restore water flow.
- Clean surfaces that are hard to dust ( like plants or behind furniture )by blowing hot air on them. The force of the air will dislodge dirt and dust.
- Shrink wrap items by blowing hot air on them. If you wrap something in plastic wrap, you can seal it really well by blowing on it with heat from a hair dryer.
These are just 2 very fast examples I shot for you.
- Set glue or paint faster by gently blowing cool air on it. Gentle blowing air can help to cure glue or paint more quickly.
- Defrost a freezer by blowing hot air into it. This will speed up the process of removing ice build-up and make it easier to clean.
- Adjust your eyeglasses. A blast of hot dryer to them in the right places lets you bend them to fit perfectly.

- Loosen tight screws by blowing hot air on them. The heat can help to expand the metal, making it easier to turn the screw.
- Foggy bathroom mirror? Don't wipe it, blow it.
And now it's your turn. Is there anything I need to add to the list? Blow me away in the comment section.
Ha ha ha, you have me laughing while I learn! I am impressed with your practical wisdom, and greatly enjoy your sense of humor! Thank you very much!
Well thank you for saying that Loretta! P.S. My middle name is Lynn. Therefore together we are quite famous in the country world. ~ karen!
There’s a way to get rid of earaches that involves low heat/low air being blown at the ear. Not directly into the ear canal but at a slight distance.
Hello from Clarkston, WA.
I've been following you for years. Today I reread your bio and found myself laughing out loud. That's when you really know something is funny...containment even if you try.
That is why I never ready your blog when I am in the middle of a church service or a funeral. My brother and I got the giggles one time at a funeral and the whole church pew shook. Family members probably thought we were touched by the holy spirit.
On a side note, I don't have anything to contribute along the blow dryer topic, however I did see an Instagram teaser with an animated character using it on her hoo-ha. I opted not to click on the ad.
Thanks for the laugh therapy!
Thanks Mona! I'm guessing the shaking church pew did nothing to help subside the laughter. ~ karen!
I've used my dryer on my rain boots (Wellies). I have a basket on our deck that I turn my boots upside down in---year round. The tend to shrink in the winter so I'll blow hot air in them until they rubber gets soft, then slide my foot in. I've also done this with new Crocs--they tend to be very rigid. I'll either use hot water to soften or a dryer, then insert my foot to mold it to fit. And in the wintertime, when socks don't keep my toes warm enough, I'll hold the dryer over them to get them toasty.
I have great success relaxing tight shoes. First warm shoe (toe box) then quickly put on pair of thick(est) socks and keep blow drying for about 2 mins. Walk around a bit to test. If still a bit tight, add another pr of socks and repeat. Wear for 30-60 mins. (remove socks). Never had to do more than twice. Quick way to break in new shoes.
That's an excellent tip! ~ karen!
I had some very serious itching in a tender private area that I would scratch at night, even while asleep. Chased away potential partners. Cortisone did not help. Finally a genius dermatologist told me to thoroughly dry it once a day with a hair dryer on the cool setting. No more itching. I got married!
P. S. I'm bald.
My blow dryer works to prevent a water mark forming when I've had to spot clean my sofa. I use it to dry off my Bichon/ Yorkie when she needs a bath after getting dirty at the dog park. It has a setting for high air volume and low heat that works great.
We have given all our dogs over the years their bath in the bathroom and then they got a blow dry finish. Hold it far enough away that they don't get uncomfortable and they don't mind at all Low heat, of course.
If you use roll-on antiperspirant, using a hair dryer on cool can help fully dry it so you don't have to walk around with your arms up waiting for it to dry.
I use a hair dryer to get rebar (which I use to keep Christmas yard displays upright in Saskatchewan winds) out of the ground in the spring.
Thaw frozen car door locks or frozen car doors that won't open.
Hi Karen! I am a hobby beekeeper. When bottling honey you often get tiny airbubbles at the top of the jar. A quick hit of hot air from the hairdryer melts them away 🐝
Thanks Karen for all these good uses for a hairdryer. The one I like the most is the first one - removing the labels from bottles! I have four bottle trees in my garden and have wasted lots of water removing labels off all those wine bottles. I had a new bottle waiting to have the label removed and I tried the hairdryer trick on it the day after your post. It worked like a charm!
I'm Frugal so multiuse tools are great.I have been spotted with blow dryer in one hand spray bottle workin on other hand corraling tumblehairs during the dogs major sheading season.
Great ideas! So I'm wondering why shrink-wrap your Ikea membership card... or is it just a demo of shrink-wrapping?
Love that it works! Would be good for recipe cards, too, if you have any old, treasured, recipe cards you don't want spattered. :)!
Or maybe plant tags you printed off for the season that will be safe from the elements.
I'm also wondering why shrink wrap that card? :)
Hi Peggy! The Ikea card was just to show you that it works (reasonably well) as a shrink wrap. :) ~ karen!
I use a hair dryer to block crocheted squares. I pin them out on the blocking board then move the hair dryer back and forth. It works really well! I’ve only done this with acrylic yarn. Not sure how this would work with natural fibers.
Makes for a great mini rapid clothes dryer when you spill a beverage/water on the center of your pants. Or a shirt, or whatever. Doubtless you know it can be used to dry the insides of boots and shoes. Pet owners can use one set on low to dry their beastie after the bath.
The dryer I use on Philip's hair could push a case of beer off a table. ~ karen!
Hah! I watch enough "Girl with the Dogs" videos to get a mental image.
GREAT tips ... but the one that's best for me is warming up my BODY after coming in from the winter cold. Run it under your clothes when you're cold, and you'll look up and say, "THANK you, God! Oh, thank you!!"