Set your eyes on these chocolatey, gooey pot brownies. Like any brownie, they're made with chocolate, flour and butter. In the case of pot brownies, you make them with cannabutter instead of regular butter.
This is what a pot brownie looks like. Delicious.
I currently have a freezer full of pot brownies several years after making them. I've given some away but haven't eaten any myself. So why make pot brownies?
When given the opportunity to cook with an ingredient that I procured from an elderly woman living in the suburbs who makes her own cannabutter (weed butter) in a crock pot ... I wasn't going to say no. You just don't say no to something like that. Just like I didn't say no to cooking with and eventually eating corn smut.
Since first making these brownies years ago I've taken the time to learn how to make cannabutter myself on my stovetop, so if you're wondering about how that works take a look at the post. It's take a bit of time but is really easy.
And once you know how to make cannabutter you can also make cannabis infused coconut oil which you can then use to make your own weed gummies.
Since I've only given these away and not eaten them myself I can only offer recommendations and comments from others which are as follows: Best night's sleep of my life! Magical! Or Do you have any more?
They look just like a regular brownie so I assume that's what they taste like. And since they look remarkably similar to a regular brownie I'm very careful about labelling them.
There will be no confusing these with anything other than pot brownies in my freezer. As an added precaution I also never ask any dyslexic people to go rooting around my house for brown pots.
Here's the story behind how I ended up with a freezer full of pot brownies.
Last year when I was in the thick of some ridiculousness I had to make a run to my local hardware store. I needed to pick up some flat, black spray paint for something or other. Just as I wormed my way into the very busy paint aisle my phone rang. I scrambled to pull it out of my purse and looked down to see it was my mother calling. I decided I had better answer it. She's old and God knows what kind of trouble she could have been in. She might have had a funny cat story that needed to be told immediately or couldn't find Jeopardy on television. Any number of tragedies could be impending. So I picked up.
I should emphasize at this point that my mother has the projective speaking voice of a partially deaf theatre actor. When she gets on the phone it's on par with the sound level of an air craft carrier. As I stood there in the paint aisle, sandwiched between 7 or 8 perfectly respectable looking people in need of paint, my mother started describing an old people party that she had been to the night before.
I pushed the phone a little harder to my ear to drown her voice out from the people around me. My mother was speaking at a frenzied, excited pace. And loudly. VERY loudly. I squished the phone harder to my face but it was no use. Everyone around me could hear her retelling the story of the night before.
Within seconds I'd scrambled out of the paint aisle crowd into a less populated area of the store. I let her finish telling the story and immediately asked for her friend's name, phone number and address. I do love an interesting adventure and trying new recipes. If they both happen to be illegal then that makes a great story and I love those too. My mother was not sure about the whole venture and at first withheld her friend's phone number. What would her friend think of me? Looking to buy butter made with cannabis.
After unscrewing my face from the wtf are you TALKING about look it had frozen into I explained to my mother that it was her friend who would be selling me her own canna butter. So I was fairly sure she wasn't going to judge me.
Yes. I know. I don't want my friends thinking you're some druggie. Was the answer I got.
At this point I had to remind myself I was dealing with the elderly and had to explain to my mother that her friend, the one making the pot butter in her own kitchen, with Wheel of Fortune blasting in the background wasn't going to think less of me for buying her pot butter. She would only think less of me when I told her I wasn't going to try it myself.
It took some convincing but I finally coaxed the name and phone number out of her. My canna butter dealer had been secured. Now I just needed to actually score it.
My drive to the pickup point took me through a maze of terrifying streets. Perfect homes set on a perfect lawns filled with perfectly suburban people. It was a horror I tell you.
Within a couple of days of the paint aisle phone call I found myself in the kitchen of an older woman and her husband as they eyeballed what they thought *might* be a half a pound of canna butter.
They dumped the butter into a Ziploc baggie, and then that baggie into another one filled with ice and proceeded to give me a tour of the house including an outline of how they were planning to decorate for Christmas in 6 months time. We said our good-byes as she pressed a brownie recipe into my hands.
Hopping in my car I made my way out of the survey. I rolled down the window, hung my arm out and tried to find a song on the radio that was appropriate for the occasion. Maybe some gangsta rap or hardcore punk; something to illustrate to those around me exactly how much of a badass I was - rolling low down the road in my V.O.L.V.Oooo.
Several months later I pulled the butter out of my freezer. My uncle was coming to visit and as a child of the 60's, he was known to embrace all that came with the era.
That night, I thew on an apron, some Bob Marley and a respirator mask (being a badass doesn't mean you have to be careless) and proceeded to make some brownies I would never taste. Yeah, I'm not sure why I thought I needed a respirator but I was pretty adamant that I was going to wear it.
Table of Contents
Weed Brownie Tips
Since originally making these brownies, pot has become legal across all of Canada in both recreational and medicinal form. So I've learned a LOT about pot in the past couple of years. Most importantly that there are two subspecies of cannabis that have different effects (highs). These effects will transfer to your brownie so know what you're using.
Note: All cannabis has both Sativa and Indica characteristics. Whichever subspecies is dominant in the strain is how it is labelled. These are based on the terpenes in the cannabis. Each terpene has a different role that creates a different effect. All of these things working together creates what's known as the entourage effect with various elements of the cannabis working together.
Sativa dominant strains give a cerebral high. You feel creative, awake and pleasantly happy.
Indica dominant strains give a body high. You feel mellow, relaxed and ready to sink into the couch or bed.
There's a lot more to cannabis than just THC and CBD, but those are the most commonly referred to components of it when listing the potency. THC is what you're looking for if you want to get a high. CBD is what you're looking for if you want a myriad of health benefits with no high at all. I take CBD oil daily.
Since these are pot brownies meant to get you high, I'll talk about THC here. Like I said, if you want to read about CBD you can read about how and why I take it here.
THC alone doesn't make you high, it first has to be decarboxylated. That's a big word for a small thing. It just means that the THC needs to be heated up to become activated. That's why people smoke pot. The heat is what activates the THC and causes the high. If you were to just eat a pot leaf or flower it wouldn't get you high.
When cooking, the most popular way to work decarboxylated THC into a recipe is by making and/or using canna butter. Cannabis is heated in the oven, then added to melted butter and heated again for a specific amount of time. The solids are then strained out and the resulting butter is filled with properly heated and activated THC. Or it can be made in a crock pot.
Percentage of THC
Just like booze has different percentages of alcohol (rum = 40%, wine = 11%), different types of cannabis have different percentages of THC.
The higher the percentage, the more THC it has, the stronger the effect will be.
Keep that in mind when making or buying your canna butter as the strength will be directly proportionate in your brownies.
Edibles (cannabis infused foods) take longer to take effect (up to 90 minutes) and the effects last longer (up to 8 hours). If you're new to pot experimentation or not sure of the THC level you're working with start with a very small bite. a 1 cm square for example. Wait 90 minutes, and assess.
Pot Brownie Recipe
Pot Brownies
- 8 ounces chocolate squares, unsweetened
- ¾ cup butter ½ cannabutter and ¼ unsalted butter
- 2 cups sugar
- ¼ cup cocoa unsweetened
- 1 cup nuts hazel, walnuts or pecans chopped
- 3 eggs
- 2 tsps vanilla extract
- 1 cup flour
- ¼ teaspoon salt
- 1 tbps sea salt flakes
- Heat oven to 175 C (350F)
- Melt the chocolate, cannabutter and regular butter in double boiler or in microwave.
- Stir in sugar, eggs, vanilla and nuts. Mix well.
- Incorporate flour and salt to wet mixture.
- Spread the batter into a parchment lined pan. (9 X 13")
- Sprinkle the top of the batter with chopped nuts and bake for 30 minutes.
- Remove from oven and sprinkle the top of the brownies with flaked sea salt.
AGAIN cannabis edibles are longer lasting and take longer to take effect. Use with caution.
I'll let you know when I figure out pot potato chips.
→Follow me on Instagram where I often make a fool of myself←
Alan Edwards
Great recipe! Fudgy. I very slightly underbaked and let them finish while resting!
Great recipe! I followed the instructions as is, and they turned out great. Thank you for sharing!
Jodi Blackman
Ahem, I may have been given some canna butter once and I may have incorporated it into Anzac Biscuit Slice and my date and I may have eaten a couple of squares of the slice, in my younger days. Good body high but terrible raging dry mouth/dehydration, felt like you do after a big night out. I haven't really had it since. Medical use is now approved here in Western Australia, but it is still expensive and difficult to procure, even though I have a legit excuse: chemo treatment. My oncologist doesn't approve but I think it could help with pain management and help counter the steroids that rob me of sleep. I'm looking into an unofficial source of CDB oil though because I've heard so much about its effectiveness, and I'm not actually chasing a high.
The cereal bowl story had me in stitches!
Geoffrey Boberg
Good Lord you all are a bunch of potheads....and I LOVE IT!!! I just started following Karen's blog and...even after she insulted my potato chip cake idea...I have to admit I'm really enjoying it very much. I myself do not partake of Mary Jane products...the last thing I need is to get the munchies and fall asleep...I'm chubby enough as it is. However, no judgement from me.
Hi Geoffrey,
This is the first time I came on this site. This is the second coming I read. You said you didn't partake because you were worried about getting chubby. Whether that's the case or not I thought I'd just put it out there for education, there are terpenes in the marijuana that are alpha terpenes which will suppress your appetite now! Isn't life wonderful! We certainly have come a long way. Marijuana has so many healing qualities I have MS I have cancer I have so many sub diseases and I can't tell you I am living proof of all the healing properties that it has. Big farm doesn't want us to know. We can't get the FDA to push it through like all these other drugs. I keep hearing how there's not enough evidence. I'm a statistics major and a user. I don't want to get into all the politics of it. But I hope it will change sometime in the future. Insurance really needs to start paying for it so people could really start benefiting from such a wide spectrum of healing properties. If used recreationally, what could somebody do, Rob some junk food at best? Let's be honest it's not a gateway drug, addiction can be hereditary or there's usually a psychological link or chemical imbalance. On a lighter note, a neighbor makes me potato chip cookies they are awesome LOL! Good luck to everyone in their Journey
Thanks for the tips Boots! ~ karen
marie keller
I have a really easy pot cookie recipe: 1 pkg cake mix. 1/2 cp melted butter. 2 eggs. 1 cup chips, choc, or other. combine all ingredients, drop dough on parchment lined cookie sheet. bake 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 to 12 min. I found the cheaper cake mix works best. Oh yeah chocolate is best. just my opinion.
Michele W
Will you be posting the crockpot cannabutter recipe? Or is it that simple? Add butter and buds in crockpot and let’er cook?
I have a freezer full of pot ‘cake’ pops.
Make sure you take the time to research a wee bit before you make your own canna butter, don’t just grab the first recipe you find on the net to make the butter. We got it so wrong!
My friend was going through cancer treatment and we thought this was the ideal time to pretend we were cool. Our brownies were so potent!!! We should have realized our butter was a bit strong when we were as high as a second day helium ballon when we were making the butter just from the air in the kitchen. That airing out process was insane, freaking out that her kids would come home before the smell was gone.
Anyhow, long story short, we made two more extra large pans of regular brownies, mixed all the cooked brownies together and made cake pops with it. Both being mothers who had made the mistake of making cake pops for a kid to bring to school on their birthday we were well versed in this technique. But man oh man, 100-150 pot pops later, I will never make another one. We even wore gloves when rolling the balls, we were so paranoid of getting completely stoned from the pot transferring through our skin when rolling.
My friend insisted I take some of those pot pops because there is no way she could store, let alone eat that many. But again, we both have kids, and how do you “hide” cake pops from them, and specifically the starving teenage boys who for the first time in their lives will eat anything, being ever so voracious. So we packaged them into bags of frozen spinach and frozen mixed vegetables emptying all the veggies into other containers. Then they were safely invisible and buried in the very depths of the freezer. I haven’t had one yet, and that was a year ago, so potent was that first brownie I think I’m still paranoid!
LOL!!! Well. I'm not even sure how to respond to any of that other than to say every bit of it is hilarious. ~ karen!
Sherin Roffey
With all due repect to your beliefs, regardless of whether drugs are legal or not, I am now going to unsubsrcibe from your blog. This is not something I want in my inbox. Thanks anyway.
Ellen Humphrey
Oh Sherin, please lighten up a little. The planet is on fire and you had to announce your exit. This is an amusing story whether you enjoy it or not and I personally think we could all use a little humour nowadays.
Thanks for the story, it certainly brightened up my morning!
Thank you for your defence Ellen! But it's O.K. if Sherin wants to leave. The truth is, posts like this are good for weeding out ;) people who I'm likely to offend at some other point in the future. ~ karen!
Lauren from Winnipeg
I agree. Sherin might be like the people who wouldn’t blink an eye if you mentioned you downed half a forty of vodka last night but flip out that you had responsibly had a toke. Some people cannot be educated.
Lauren from Winnipeg
I’ve actually just had a piece of “fun” fudge and am off to do some housecleaning with my ear buds turned up loud 🤪
This is what all the 60 year olds I know do.
Ron B.
Sunday gathering at a friends, and I spied a plate of brownies on their counter-top.. May I have one I haven't eaten all day, was my plea.
My friend, says Yes, you may BUT only one ! . That one was delicious and over the next hour I managed to sneak up and help myself to a couple more, before Dinner was finally served.
Eventually, it was coffee time, and fiend is getting ready to serve with a small-size brownie...but notices a couple are missing. Looks at me the evil eye.... and then says something like You're going to be sorry fella !" What was that all about?
About 10 pm the Party comes to a close, and its time for the drive home in the snow....except that I was convinced I was in Sparkle Heaven.
Got to bed and slept well, but at 4 AM up and getting ready to go to work. I managed to get there, was convinced that I had fooled no one at Dispatch, but could barely function, without the whooshess coming and going all thru the day, and periodically for the next couple of days thereafter. My route had one street with a french name, and I thought I had gone to Quebec for some odd reason. I had to keep admonishing myself to " concentrate...just concentrate"!
It was funny at the time, but in retrospect, I was a danger to myself and those around me. I have never tried Brownies or a variation of cannabis since the incident of twelve years ago....but now that I am retired, I may consider trying your recipe> Time to make a copy on the ole Printer!.... and set the recliner to full cline!
Jan in Waterdown
“Full cline”! Lol 😝
Micky Mann
Thanks for the story and recipe! BUT, all I kept thinking was that I LOVE THOSE PLATES♡
Thank you! I've been collecting random vintage dishes for years. :) ~ karen!
Vanessa Devoto
I have the BEST story about pot brownies, my mother, how she thought she was having an allergic reaction to almonds (I sh*t you not, almonds! and she's not allergic to ANYTHING) and a trip to the E.R.!
Any word on how to make the canna butter tho??
LOL!!! Well just that teaser is a good story! ~ karen!
Jacquie Gariano
I just love your Mom. I laugh so much at your posts and have to share them with my daughter.
My kids tried to get me to try pop when they were teenagers. I took one puff and died. Cough, shortness of breath and tears. Then no buzz. The boys asked how I liked it and I told them I'd never try it again.
Pop is now legal in California and enjoyed by many, flower child or not. And a blessing to many sick people.
Some years ago (not THAT many!) a couple of friends and I had some pot for our 40th birthdays. Oh, my. That is a night that lives on in infamy! They had two drags apiece, I had 3. Most miserable hours of my life after that. I've since sworn completely off - the paranoia just isn't worth it. So while I *could* make pot brownies I wouldn't ever taste them either. We'll stand together in the "NO THANK YOU" line together Karen!
Hi Mari! I've since learned that there are different strains and different varieties. Like mushrooms! (actual fungal mushrooms, lol) They all do different things and give you different reactions. There are some that make you feel rocked out high, some increase paranoia and some some just help you sink into the couch with pleasure for a few hours. I've become a quite a wealth of pot knowledge in the last little while. ~ karen!
Marilyn Meagher
It can really help with sleep deprivation and if you are careful it can be pretty funny, and less calories than wine or beer and no headache. We have had some pretty good laughs with brownies and a vape .
Darla Ragland
Love your adventures!! Also love all the comments to this post!! Medical is now available in Oklahoma, but not I guess I will have to wait a while to try it. I have heard that what you buy now is a lot more potent than what we had as kids.
Patricia C
Gosh, I haven't made pot brownies since the 60s and back then it was real hit and miss. The finished product had leaves, stems and twigs. It wasn't for the faint of heart. But we were kids, what did we know. Yes I tried them, they tasted like regular brownies that someone had accidently put yard clippings into. Not the best tasting and the high was more 'subtle.' So for all the trouble it was, our group decided to stick with the original method of ingesting pot.
And that was then and this is now. Now if I have a Pellegrino with lime, it's a BIG night! Times they have changed.
Thanks for sharing your recipe.
A few years ago I worked at a gas station. It was part of a grocery store chain, and everyday the person who came in just before 6am would go up to the grocery store to stock up on donuts from the bakery section. On this particular day the manager was working an afternoon shift, so when she came in at around 1 she commented on how all of the donuts had already sold. Right after that, the same guy who had picked up the donuts that day offered to do the comp check (that's checking the competitor gas prices, it's a ten minute driving trip that happens a couple of times a day at a gas station). He quickly came back into the store panicked because he had taken an edible that morning before he went to get the donuts, and lo and behold all of the donuts were still in his backseat. (The manager was in the back during this conversation.)
I think I died laughing. I told him that if he wanted to load up the donut display that I would swear up and down that it had been that way the whole time and gaslight our boss with him, but he needed to make a decision and BE QUICK ABOUT IT. (The manager was very cool, one of my favorite bosses ever. It probably would not have escalated into a big thing if we'd tried to go that route.)
He decided to just pay for them himself and not have to fess up or fake anyone out and I got some free donuts!
Trish Kinnee
Our mothers get dangerous!
About three years ago my own mother had her first "unintentional" taste of pot brownies! We were vacationing in Florida and my mother found my sister's brownies on the table and couldn't resist taking a bit. It was so good she wanted another -- that's when my sister's jaw dropped to the floor and she pulled the rest of the brownies away!
My mom had such a great time that night. But she just didn't like it when the brownies were grabbed from her.
I explained the next day she had her first pot high at 89!
Only to say, " I Love you, Alice B. Toklas".
Years ago I had been visiting my parents and stopped in at my sister's house before beginning the four hour drive home to hubby and kids. There was coffee in the pot and brownies on the table. Two cups of coffee and four (I do have a sweet tooth) brownies later my sister said, "you are staying the night, right?". My thoughts of grabbing a coffee to go (not a lot of Tim's around at that time) and leaving shortly went out the window when she pointed at the brownies and said, "Pretty good aren't they". I should have known, she should have said, I shouldn't have been such a pig. One quick phone call (no texting, no cell phones) to change my plans and shortly thereafter it was morning. My sister still brings that up. I still have a sweet tooth but always ask first when I am at her place.