I went to an auction. I didn't need an old clock or even have anywhere to put an old clock. Therefore - I bought an old clock. Feel free to insert a rolling eye emoji here. Here's how that little escapade turned out.
And that right there is how you get a post on the dangers of auctions AND how to fix an antique clock. Let me explain a little bit about how small town auctions work.
They all start the same. There's a bunch of garbage that somebody else didn't want in a room.
You enter the auction hall, in this case a community centre, and you walk around. You might see something that you remember from when you were a kid. Or a strange kitchen tool that your grandmother used. At this point you start to soften to the garbage a little bit. It's not so bad. It's fun to just look at if nothing else.
You then get further into the garbage, picking through stuff and auction fever washes over you like the plague. Say goodbye to your normal personality of easy breezy, happy go lucky gal - you are now a born killer with a pathological desire to win at all costs. Yes. To win the garbage.
To be fair, at this point suddenly it isn't garbage anymore, it's gold.
You cannot BELIEVE your good luck at stumbling upon all of this junk that some idiot didn't want. Within the first pass of all the auction contents your heart is racing, you've registered to bid and you're ready to gouge the eyes out of anyone else who dares to bid on the slightly chipped, incomplete service of plastic dishes that are inexplicably covered in in Disney stickers. They're a pretty colour. You like them.
You're worked up but you've promised yourself you won't go over the price you set in your mind for any of the items on your list.
Of course you go over. You have auction fever you idiot. The number one symptom is loss of self control.
That's basically how I ended up with an 1852 Seth Thomas wall clock.
I had seen the clock immediately among the hundreds of other clocks at this auction. There were fancy clocks, old clocks, new clocks, clocks with dancing ladies ... just a veritable flock of clocks.
But I liked this clock. It was plain, in good condition and obviously old.
The only problem was I had no idea if it worked. No one knew if any of the clocks worked. That's the MAGIC of an auction.
Some higher end auctions, where they don't sell old porn and rusty medical devices would actually put the clocks together and test them. But that takes ALL the fun out of it and it's why I like auctions like this.
It's basically gambling but you don't know if you won or lost until you get home.
I bought my clock for $40. Which was $5 more than I had planned to pay. The clock was disassembled for transport, so when I got it home I started putting it back together to see if the $40 clock (I didn't need or have any place for) was going to work.
Antique Clock Repair (for beginners)
- For travelling, weight driven clocks need their weights and pendulum taken off. That means once you get your clock home you need to replace those things after you hang it.
- Hang your clock (before putting the weights or pendulum back on.)
- Replace the weights on their hooks. This is literally just a matter of hooking the weights on hooks. I also noticed that the string holding one of the weights was off its pulley so I put it back on.
- Now put your pendulum bob on (that's the round thing at the bottom of the pendulum.)
5. Make sure your clock is level on the top ...
... and the side.
6. Now wind the clock. With a 2 hole clock like this one the right hole winds to the right, to lift the right weight. The left hole winds to the left to lift the left weight.
7. You can now gently push the pendulum to get it running and see if it works.
If it runs but the ticking doesn't sound even try pushing the clock from left to right from the bottom of the clock. It the ticking sounds better when you've pushed the clock (and therefore it isn't level) then you need to get your pendulum in beat.
Would you like to save this stuff?
If your clock sounds better when you tilt the right side of it up, that means you need to gently push on your pendulum a little bit to the right to help it get into the proper beat. You might feel a bit of resistance. Go just a bit further past that. Then test the clock again to see if it sounds right. If not, repeat. If you go too far then you might have to readjust it by pushing the pendulum in the opposite direction.
You should be able to hear the difference between the clock ticking properly and ticking off beat in this video.
K. Is your clock running and keeping an even beat?
If it is GREAT. But hold on a few minutes before you skip down the street screaming at all the suckers in the world who didn't buy this great deal of a clock that WORKS. Because it still might not work.
8. Check after half a day to see if it's keeping the right time. Chances are it'll be running either too fast or too slow.
The speed of the clock is adjusted by the pendulum bob. The lower it is, the slower the clock will run. Therefore the higher it is the faster the clock will run.
An easy way to remember how to adjust the speed on a pendulum clock is you want to speed UP and slow DOWN. To speed it up the pendulum goes up, to slow it down, the pendulum goes down.
9. To change the speed there will be a nut on the bottom of the pendulum. You can adjust the nut by turning it to move it up or down in order to speed up or slow down the clock. Just turn the screw a few times so the bob either rises up or down.
This is what the bob would look like if you wanted to slow down the clock a LOT.
And this is what it would look like if you wanted to speed up the clock a lot.
You just have to play around with the pendulum until it keeps time properly. It took me 4 days or so until I got it just right.
striker too close to wire
10. Adjusting the gong. The clock makes it's "gong" sound on the hour by a striker hitting a wire or bell. In this case it's hitting a wire. The striker should be around ⅛th of an inch from the wire (or bell) for it to have a nice clean sound. If it's too close the gong will sound dull and more like a thump. You won't hear the ringing, just a bang.
striker just right
You can gently bend the striker wire by hand to pull it into a proper position. (⅛th of an inch away from the wire) Now it should give off a nice gong sound that rings instead of thuds.
As it turns out I love my clock. That isn't always the case when you randomly bring stuff home from an auction. Oftentimes your auction fever breaks the instant you walk through your front door and you sit staring at the thing you bought wondering why it isn't glittering anymore.
At that point you either stick it straight in your basement or hide it under a bunch of other stuff in your garbage.
And then?
Then you go to another auction.
→Follow me on Instagram where I often make a fool of myself←

I collected coins, stamps, and a lot of other Junk when I was a kid. For Christmas one year my wife gave me a mantle clock. For the first time in my life I could not describe the feeling that came over me. It was just a mid twenty's Seth Thomas bim bam clock. It is just so beautiful, simple and sweet.
The one thing it did was have a purpose. It tells time. There is nothing like after the day is done sitting in the dark and hearing it tick. Only we now have a family of clocks. They all have there own sound and I can tell you who is who.
Best Christmas present ever.
Hi, I have a very similar Seth Thomas, possibly a little older and more beat up, that I inherited from my father and grandfather. Problem is, my brother never gave me the 2 keys to wind it up. Where can I get the 2 replacement keys? Thanks so much!
Hi Lily! The keys are pretty standard. The first place I would look for one is either on Ebay or at local flea markets/antique shows. ~ karen!
We have a good number of auctions happening in this area, and I'm half tempted to look for a clock like this. But did it have to be disassembled to get it home? Would not want to have to do that.
Hi Pamela. The weights and pendulum always have to be removed when the clock is moved whether it's from an auction to your home or from one wall of your house to another. ~ karen!
My son-in-law collects clocks and we have them in every room and then some. Only he takes care of winding, adjusting and cleaning them. LOL Last year when he and my daughter went on a cruse for a week or so, the clocks wound down and the house was so quite it was scary.
I grew up in the next town over from where that was built! :D
My grandma always told me that Seth Thomas and Eli Terry were business partners that had a falling out, and that's why the Thomaston and Terryville sports teams are still rivals today.
Hey Karen,
Great find! I grew up with clock fanatics and there were probably 5 sets of Westminster chimes at any given point in my upbringing. Then my dad bought a ships clock and I had to learn a whole new way to tell time by chimes. Every clock has a name. I've put dibs on Seth, a mantle clock given to my great-grandfather by my great-grandmother for either their wedding or an anniversary.
One thing I learned is that clocks despise vibrations. Don't be surprised if your clock is unhappy being on an exterior wall near a door.
Why am I reading this when I don't own a clock, don't go to auctions, don't want to know the time, and don't want to learn how to fix one? I just love reading your instructions - very well done. I admire your ability to not only figure it out, but to clearly and with great patience and details, elt me know what I need to know about whatever. It is weird that I read to the end. But I was enthralled with your seemingly effortless ability to let me understand what you are doing. TALENT! Thanks, you are special.
LOL. Well I don't know if I'd be able to get through an entire article or post on something I cared nothing about. ~ karen!
I loved this story. I have collected clocks for almost 30 years and it is so true about auction fever. I do online auctions for that reason and don't look until the winner is posted so I don't pay more than I intended to. I have purchased clocks from all over the world and luckily never had any shipping damage. I purchase for the chime a clock plays and have located every clock I searched for
Neat clock. It's the week for blog clocks. I just read Miss MustardSeed who also bought an antique clock. https://missmustardseed.com/week-wall-clock/
OH, lol! That's a funny coincidence. Her clock is nice!! ~ karen
At the bottom of this post was a link to this: https://www.theartofdoingstuff.com/how-to-make-a-tea-towel-apron/ . When I got to the last picture, etc., I about died laughing! Had to share it with my daughter. SO FUNNY! Love you, Karen!
:) Thanks Ann. ~ karen!
I work at an auction company, and grew up in the business. You describe the "fever" perfectly. It's like you think you are the only one to make a great discovery and try your best to play it cool....act uninterested, but deep down! No one else is as smart and savvy a buyer as you at that moment. If they only knew what they missed....
It's great fun, even if you don't go home with anything (but who are we kidding, you will). And...that was a great deal you got! :)
Thanks Karen! What's funny is if I really want something I do NOT play it cool. I stick my hand up in the air and just leave it there. As in, yeah, I don't give a shit, I'm buying this so go ahead and TRY and outbid me. ~ karen!
Such good advice I had to bookmark it for future reference, as I have done with many of your tutorials on various things! The website Clockworks.com has been helpful to me. Clockworks sells new movements and also has very helpful staff to answer clock questions. Unpaid endorsement. I don’t work for them nor do I have friends or family who do.
Good to know! :) ~ karen
I love taking newbies to auctions just to watch auction fever take hold. The funniest was my sister at her first auction--a souvenir spoon rack containing one lonesome spoon came up on the block. My sister's hand shot up and she bid furiously until she got that sucker. I asked her if she collected spoons, and she said, "no, but I might".
LOLOL!! Yup. Auction fever. ~ karen!
Great find! And such a good match for your house. Were you able to find out any of its provenance? The clock I mean.
Keep your eyes peeled for a mechanical doorbell or striker....it would suit the house!
My sister has one of those doorbells, love them. Hers is a reproduction but it looks original. No idea about where the clock came from at all I'm afraid. ~ karen!