The Christmas wreath made day-by-day is fully fluffed, formed & adorned. I added dehydrated limes, wired cranberries and a few meters of Martha Stewart.
I am only going to make wreaths from now until the end of December so thank you in advance for your understanding. Obviously if I'm making wreaths all day I can't post anything as I will be pursuing my new passion, being poor.
People who follow the wreath making path as their newfound occupation are found to be highly creative, regimented and pine scented.
I'm going to post the final instructions for the wreath this week, including how to wire the dehydrated limes, make the bow and create the cranberry rope.
If you missed it, I posted The Christmas Gift Guide this week.
For the Puzzle People
- Over the holidays, I HOPE to have time to create a Puzzle category so they're easy to find.
- I got a message from the nice people at Jigidi this week.
They know some people are having troubles & frustrations with the puzzles & they want to do whatever they can to help.
From the creator:
Encourage your readers to contact us directly after the issue occurs next time. They can do this using this form.
They don't need to provide extensive details. Just a short text stating they are from Art Of Doing Stuff and that the puzzle restarted or disappeared.
Magnus Jacobi
Just doing that will help Jigidi pinpoint any issues, and therefore help us solve the problem of puzzles disappearing, restarting, or whatever the annoyance might be.
I have to go now. You know why.
Best tutorial ever!, Thanks so much … a tweak or two needed ( just stuck some sumac and berries fir a quick pic ) then a bow 😊
Thanks Tracey. I actually thought it was a good tutorial too because I've wanted to do this for years and this is the first year I actually did it! I might need to do more of this step-by-step, take a month to do something you could do in a day tutorials, lol. ~ karen!
Michelle Boogades
What a beautiful wreath Karen! Thank you for walking us through the steps in the creation of such a lovely wreath. Oh, mine will not be so professional; yet, it will be so fun to make & enjoy. I thoroughly enjoy your content; and, young lady, you have a wonderful sense of humor. Sometimes I hop on simply to see what funny quips you have to share with us today - then, back to my gardens - today, I'm working on soil amendments & trying to get in more ornamental kale, pansies & bulbs. Enjoy every day Karen! Greetings from Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA
Kimberly Kelley
puzzles i get (if i'm on the right home computer)....MORE IMPORTANTLY..... do wired cranberries last? Like are they just fresh cranberries from the store??
Mary W
Your wreath is gorgeous! The lot across the street just sold and they are tearing out a ton of trees including evergreens. I'm waiting until sunset to go forage from their burn pile. Sorry about the unfinished comment below that posted twice.
Mary W
I had difficulties when I first started jigidi but have had none since I learned the system. I uses it almost every day - sudoku! But I've never had any problems with the puzzles since I learned how it all worked. I usually do it on the jigidy site (click the upper right hand little square box on the puzzle to go there) and I think it gets messed up when you try working it without going there - every time a commercial changed on the blog. A glitch not due to Karen but to the new way the internet shows commercials.
I have found that if I go to your page on jigidi I can do the puzzles without interruption
Your wreath is beautiful as are your Christmas gift wrappings. It’s quite a talent. As I’ve said before, if you want to “go Substack” I’ll subscribe! That’s a few extra dinero! For Phillip treats, of course. Regards.
Kat - the other 1
Dessert this Thanksgiving gave birth to a joke. What do cannibals eat for dessert?
Cobblers. 😆
A previous one,
What do cannibals who want to eat healthy eat?
(No offense intended. Due to allergies I'm nearly vegan (- ish) myself.) (I have nothing against cobblers, unless they are peach.. Though I did have one good peach cobbler once. I just don't like the taste of peaches. They're cute though. Ok it's getting weird, bye.)
Randy P
OK, I admit the puzzle took me 40 seconds, my excuse/alibi involves solving it at 2:50a.m. just before heading off to bed. Your wreath looks super-professional so keep pursuing that passion. Your mystical ability to somehow find 28 hours in which to work every day is becoming legendary.
Says the person doing puzzles at 2:50 a.m. ~ karen!
Randy P
Hah! You got me. lol