If you were to walk into my garden today you'd see every one of these things at work. These are the tips that usually end up being the answer to any of the gardening questions I get from friends and family.
Why is garlic hanging on the fence? To introduce you to your first tip. There are also tips within the tips which of course makes this much more exciting.
This is a big post with a lot of information but it's all easy to remember if you just write it all down, 5 times in a row and then memorize it.
Table of Contents
Tip #1 - Curing Garlic & Onions
Garlic and onions needs to be cured for 2 weeks outdoors in the shade. Doing this lets the outer skins slowly dry out while the inside retains all of its moisture. Curing extends garlic and onion shelf life so they'll store longer.
At this very moment there are tomatoes ripening on the vine. Potatoes are growing under the soil, strawberries are bursting with colour and Honeydew melons are sweetening by the day.
This is how it will go until the end of summer when I have to contend with the massacre. The massacre being the influx of voles, raccoons, rabbits and cabbage moth. I've done whatever possible to stop all of these pests. It was a lot of work to do what needed to be done, but it'll pay off by saving me time and vegetables later.
My garden is classic rows mainly because I actually prefer the look and feeling of long rows in a garden. It feels nostalgic to me.
There is a central path that runs from the front gate to the back gate. Off of either side of the path are 16' rows each planted with a variety of things.
You can see the beds are raised but they aren't boxed in with wood. The advantage to this is cost and effort. Boxing in that many huge raised beds would cost hundreds of dollars and they'd all start to rot in a few years. I'd then have to deconstruct the beds, get rid of the massive pieces of rotting wood, buy more and rebuild the beds.
The disadvantage is the soil can fall around the edges so you can't plant as close to the edges as you can in a traditional, boxed raised bed. The REAL disadvantage to raised beds without sides though is that weeds grow on the sides of the beds so it's a lot more weeding than you'd have with a boxed raised bed.
Tip #2 - No dig gardening
I've been no dig gardening since 2017. I mean, you know, for the most part. There's only one Charles Dowding.
No dig gardening means you do not till, poke, prod, lift or disturb the soil. This benefits the top layer of soil and all the microbes, worms and other crawlies that are keeping your soil aerated, fed, and healthy.
Each year to feed the soil you add a few inches of compost on top of your beds and plant directly into that.
A word about weeds and no dig
No dig also helps eliminate weeds because if you aren't moving and disturbing the soil, you aren't exposing any of the thousands of weed seeds that are in your soil to sunlight and rain.
Every time you turn over a shovelful of soil, you're exposing all the weed seeds that were deep in the soil to the top of the soil. These weed seeds had no intention of sprouting until you flipped the soil and put them in a front row seat to rain and sun.
ALTERNATIVE - This year in particular I didn't have enough compost to cover all of my garden beds with a thick layer so instead I dug large planting holes and filled the hole with garden compost or sheep manure compost. Then I squished the seedling into that compost filled hole.
The bean trellis! How do you do it?
Tip #3 - Trellising
To make a bean (or cucumber) trellis that'll last a year or two buy some wood 1 x 1's. Either hammer them into the soil or dig a 1' deep hole and place a length of wood into each hole.
Add another piece of wood lengthwise across the top of your 2 staked 1x1s and attach it by screwing it in. You can either run string back and forth between the wood to create a trellis or use plastic netting or chicken wire for the plants to grow on.
You can also use metal T Posts which will last for years and years and years and years and years until you don't even like beans anymore.
Tip #4 - Weed suppresion
To stop weeds in either beds or paths lay down a layer of newspaper then top it with 2-3" of natural, cedar mulch. The newspaper eventually decomposes at which point you just need to top up your mulch every year.
Alternative - You can use professional grade landscape fabric on paths to control weeds. It works well but is slippery when wet and doesn't look as pretty as mulch. BUT it lasts longer and doesn't need to be replaced for many, many years.
Tip #5 - Corn
Don't grow corn in a single row. Each corn stalk pollinates those around it and it does a much better job of that if it's grown in a clump.
So a square bed of corn will be way more successful than a long row.
Also, don't grow two varieties of corn near each other (especially ornamental and edible) because they'll cross pollinate and you'll end up with some weirdass corn.
Tip #6 - Carrot germination
You can just barely see the plywood on the ground here. A more religious woman would use it to kneel on to pray to the Gods for carrot germination. I use it to guarantee carrot germination.
To get carrots to germinate, plant the seeds into watered soil and then cover them up for a week. Flat wood is your best option because it presses down and helps the seeds maintain contact with the soil but you can use burlap as well.
The wood or cloth helps keep the seeds damp and in darkness which they like.
Carrot seeds are temperamental.
Tip #7 - My favourite tip
Boxes, bags and baskets.
Keep bags or baskets for carrying vegetables RIGHT in your garden at all times.
ALWAYS keep something in your garden for putting vegetables in to take home, whether your home is 20 steps away or a 5 minute drive. How the hell do you think you're going to carry it all? And if you think you'll always remember to bring a bag or basket whenever you go into the garden you're wrong. We're not that smart.
Bonus harvesting tip: Don't wash your vegetables right away if you want them to store well. Brush the extra soil off of them and leave it at that. Wash them just before you're going to prepare them to eat.
Tip #8 - Row Cover
To keep crops clean use row cover.
You can either just "float" it right over the plants, holding the edges down with rocks or wood or you can make hoops out of flexible plumbing pipes.
Hoops are more necessary for tall vegetables like kale. To make the hoops, hammer rods or bamboo sticks into the ground on either side of the bed. The rods/sticks must be smaller than the inner circumference of the plumbing pipe so the pipe can slip over the rod. This will hold the hoops in place. Then just drape the row cover over the hoops and secure with rocks or strips of wood.
Or you can buy premade garden hoops in a variety of heights and widths.
Types of Row Cover
Generally I work with mesh insect netting or a medium weight row cover. The heavier the row cover, the less light can pass through it. That's good for protection from frost but not good for allowing enough lights to get to the plants to grow well.
I use Agribon medium weight row cover.
Tip #9 - Potato hilling
If you don't have it in you to hill your potatoes ... don't. I have never noticed any huge loss of potato production from not hilling.
Potato hilling is most necessary when you have planted your seed potatoes either on top of the soil or in the first few inches.
If you have planted deep (9-12") there's no huge advantage to hilling.
The other big hit in the garden with kids are the melons. You haven't experienced life if you haven't sat down in a garden and consumed a just picked Honeydew still warm from the sun
Tip #10 - Sweeter Melons
Don't water your melons as they're getting to the point of ripening. You'll just dilute them. Less water when ripening = sweeter melons.
The more melons ripening on the same vine the less sweet they'll be because they all have to share the sugars the vine leaves have produced.
If you have 2 or 3 melons of around the same size growing on the same plant pinch 2 of them off if you want a really sweet melon.
Tip #11 - Weeding habits
Every time you step foot in your garden pull some weeds. Make it a habit.
The more you weed the less weeds you'll have. Weeds flower and go to seed quicklyyyyy. THIS is the crucial point. If you don't pull the weeds before they go to flower and seed, those seeds will drop all over your soil and start the weed cycle again. It will never end.
If you take the time in the spring and especially for that first year to get rid of all the weeds as they appear and never let them go to seed you'll make every subsequent year more and more weed free.
Whenever I walk into my garden I keep my head down and just weed for 10 minutes. I don't even look around to see what has grown or if there's a giant pyramid of raccoons anywhere - I just weed.
Tip #12 - Pumpkin leaf recipe
Pumpkin leaves are one of the many edible leaves we tend to just ignore. A lot of the weeds we pull are excellent for salad or as sauteed greens.
With pumpkin leaves only pick the smaller, more tender pumpkin leaves, boil them in water with some baking soda (to help soften them) for a couple of minutes, then sauté them with tomatoes and onions. The boiling also helps get rid of the prickles on the squash leaves and stem.
All pumpkin leaves are edible but the ones with the white veining are the ones my fellow gardener from Zimbabwe told me they eat.
I think we need to take a break here so I can let you know I realize this is probably the least hysterical post I've ever written. But there's a lot of information to get through and my brain is focused on teaching. If I can muster up the energy I'll throw in a knock knock joke later on.
Tip #13 - Cabbage harvest
Cabbage will grow 2 or 3 more small heads after you harvest the initial large head. Just cut the cabbage off just above ground level instead of pulling up the whole plant. Within a couple of weeks it'll start growing a couple of new heads off of the base of the stalk which are a FAR more reasonable size for eating. They're perfect for roasting as a side dish.
Broccoli TIP - Broccoli will also do the same thing. Just cut the large head on the top of the broccoli stalk when it's ready. Keep the stalk of the plant in tact just removing the head. The broccoli will continue to put out smaller broccoli florets from the leaf nodes along the stem.
This year I'll be cutting my broccoli way back like I do a cabbage head to see if it will produce another primary head. It's an experiment. I like to experiment.
Tip #14 - Make things convenient & comfortable
Keep a chair in the garden so you can sit on something civilized as opposed to the dirt. Or a snake. ALSO I keep an overturned bucket in every corner of my garden so when I'm weeding I'm never far from a bucket to throw the weeds into. They them get dumped onto the compost pile.
I also eliminated all compost bins in my garden because they aren't convenient. Instead I keep a huge open pile of compost that I can easy add to, remove from and turn.
She's not pretty but she produces beautiful compost.
Tip #15 - Rabbits, Raccoons & Deer
The best way to keep rabbits out of a garden is to dig heavy metal fencing 6" or so into the ground around your garden. Rabbits will dig but generally not that deep. They'll chew but generally not through heavy metal.
The best way to keep raccoons out is with flimsy fencing. Building a sturdy tall fence will do nothing other than give the raccoons something sturdy to climb. Flimsy and lightweight is hard to climb.
So the perfect fence is one that has a base of hardware cloth dug at least 6" into the soil around the bottom, with 6' high loosely hung deer netting or hardware cloth on top.
Note: Deer netting is inexpensive and easy to work with but will rip over time and birds and snakes can get caught in it. Hardware cloth is really expensive to surround a garden with but it will last a long time and nothing will get caught in it.
Tip #16 - Snakes
If you aren't terrified of them, you should time-share your garden with snakes. Why?
Snakes will scare mice, voles and other rodents away from your garden plus they eat bugs. Also if there's anyone you don't want visiting you in your garden, having a plot full of snakes is the most discrete way of making sure they never show up.
To attract snakes to your garden leave piles of wood around. You can see this one coming out from underneath the raised bed. They love to hide in the cracks of stacked wood and sun themselves on top. They also love to live in compost piles.
Tip #17 - Work Surface
You need somewhere to put stuff. Gardening requires stuff and if your garden isn't a few steps away from your shed then you realllyyyy need somewhere to put stuff. What stuff?
- Seedlings
- Harvested vegetables
- Tools can lean against it
- Water bottle/coffee
I made this garden table out of scraps of wood and donated lumber. AS of 2024 it's in its 8th year and going strong.
Tip #18 - Keep planting
You can keep planting a lot of seeds throughout the season to make sure you have a continuous crop.
When you pull a crop out because it's done (garlic in mid July for instance) you're left with an empty bed. Plant something in it right away so the bed doesn't go to waste and doesn't become a massive bed of weeds.
Carrots, lettuce, beans, onions, spinach, radishes, zucchini & cucumbers are all things you can reseed if they fail the first time or as a succession planting.
Tip #19 - STRAWberries
There's a reason they're called "straw" berries. Put a layer of straw underneath your strawberry plants to help keep dirt dwelling insects and moisture off of the berries. Your berries will rot less quickly and never have any dirt or guck on them. You'll be able to pick them clean off of the plant and pop them right in your mouth.
NOTE: Straw can also be a happy haven for slugs, so watch for them and act appropriately with a Slug Chug.
No tip here. Just a pretty picture to entice you into growing your own vegetables if you don't already. Green and purple kohlrabi, fresh pulled garlic and the ubiquitous zucchini.
Tip #20 - Bed Size
Garden beds are typically 4' wide but if that's too wide for you and your short little freak-show arms, then do them 3'6". When designing your garden make sure it fits YOU.
Also, try to have at least one path that's wide enough for a wheelbarrow if you plan to use one and make sure paths between the beds are big enough to walk and kneel in. You don't need much more than that but you do need room to walk, turn around and work.
I keep paths the width of my 18" rake, which means I just need to do one swipe with the rake to clear or clean the path.
If you really love gardening then take the time to make your garden nice and grow what you like. Or what your friends and family like. Make it a place that's fun to be as opposed to a place you resent being it. It may take a few months of gardeners rage and resentment before you get to the "fun" place but as long as you eventually get there you'll be able to work through the rage.
Bonus Tip - Don't forget the pretty
Europeans have understood the beauty of vegetable gardens for centuries. Potager type gardens evolve outside the kitchen doors of homes in England, France and Italy. There's a beauty in growing your own food and your garden can reflect that.
Keep it simple, keep it weeded and keep it alive. Also ... keep the back of it full of flowers. When all else fails you'll have your zinnia to look at.
Let's end today with a knock knock joke.
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Just some old ho.
Perfect. I have a bed right here for you.
Rachel Rios
Unsubscribe!? Not this twat. As a matter of fact shoot me your address and I'll send you $10.00.
p.s. sorry for the hashtag
Great tips. Your garden reminds me of the Dundurn Castle kitchen garden. One of my favourite places.
That's about the highest compliment you could give a gal. ~ karen!
Millie Plank
Hi Karen!
I love your content and quirky sense of humor and have been reading your blog for a number of years. Thankyou!!
Unfortunately Im going to have to ween myself off of your blog. I know the ads pay …but the constant pops are too irritating.
Best wishes
Best wishes to you too! I can unsubscribe you. You're going to miss an astonishingly good owl video on Saturday. ~ karen!
All done. :) You're unsubscribed. ~ karen!
I love when I get one of your emails. I don't even read the teaser anymore, I know whatever you have written will be a fun and interesting read. Thanks for the garden tips. I'm a fledgling gardener and I'll take all the advice I can get!
Mary W
Your garden is a beautiful sight and I'm so happy for you. I cut an old butternut to roast for supper and the seeds inside had produced long white starts. I had some seed starting soil and thought why not? So I put the handful of seeds in the plastic bowl (no holes) and added the soil layering under and over the 4" starts then set it out under a bush. The next evening I retrieved it as it was going to rain and to my surprise, there were pairs of 1" leaves sticking up. I was shocked and within 3 more days counted 17 small plants for succession planting in my old compost pile. IF the stinking rabbits and deer leave them alone. I will now be eating squash/pumpkin leaves as it's better me than the deer - thanks for all the tips!
Didn't know that pumpkin leaves are edible. Does that mean all squash leaves are edible too?
Very nice blog, enjoyed reading it emencely.
Thanks Jim! ~ karen
I agree with almost everything except for the suggestion that landscape fabric will work well and last for many years, keeping pathways weed free.
It absolutely does not work. Even a little dirt gets on top and weeds grow in that, penetrate the weed barrier and are even harder to pull. The fabric will degrade unless heavily mulched and weeds will grow in that mulch. Eventually it does degrade and adds microplastics to your soil.
Also planting 2 types of corn close will not affect this years crop. The plants can only do what their current genetics allow. But if you were to plant those seeds next year, then the cross will be obvious. Because those genetics are now different due to the cross. I plant 2 types of corn reasonably close every single year and my sweet corn is delicious and my ornamental corn is beautiful.
HI Ann! You're possibly talking about the thin landscape fabric you can buy in garden centres or home stores. That stuff definitely doesn't work. I'm talking about actual agricultural landscape fabric. I have used the same sheets for many years. Yes, if soil gets onto it, a weed will grow. Also, corn very definitely cross pollinates the first year. If pollen from a blue pop corn is transferred to a sweet corn it will cross that year. If you haven't had yours cross pollinate it's because of luck. I have experienced current year cross pollination with corn. ~ karen!
Michelle B
Hi Karen
I love your posts & jumped right on this one! So many great tips & I LOVE the beauty & tidiness of your garden! Such a big allotment!
Totally agree with your compost pile approach. I can turn mine much easier, which means I'll do it often. I shred the bulk with a mower; talk about fast-track compost! It's so easy to add materials & turn plus, it's not ugly. Hey, who doesn't like easy ! Looking forward to your next post. Enjoy Karen! Greetings from Virginia Beach, Virginia
Thanks Michelle! Composting is astonishing! I'm amazed every spring when I dig into the centre of the pile and it's all crumbly soil. And yes SO much easier. ~ karen!
Carol Halliwell
Your garden is magnificent and a credit to you. I was surprised to see you compost weeds. My husband, an avid gardener, did this and I commented that it was a bad idea but he did it anyway. In the spring, he did what you did and put the compost on top of the soil. Then he fell backwards, got concussion, and can't bend down to pull the weeds. Guess who got the job? No weeds will be going in the compost under my watch this year!
Hi Carol. If I didn't compost weeds, I wouldn't have anything to compost, lol. Composting weeds isn't really an issue unless they have flower heads and seeds. However, if you hot compost the heat kills most of the weed seeds. ~ karen!
Randy P
As always - impressive and pretty indeed. And the garden is quite nice too.
I see two Tip #13’s. Was this on purpose to see if we were paying attention ???😆😂 🤣
Love all the tips. Now I just have to build a garden!
Yes, absolutely ... testing you.😑 😆 ~ karen!
I have just found your blog through this post. What a great collection of knowledge distilled so clearly! Saving and sharing to friends getting started. I especially love your floppy fencing advice. My garden really struggled with groundhogs in the past--which loved going under and over. If them come back, I'm curious about how they would navigate loose fencing. (But stay away, you awful critters!)
Thanks for saying that Lizzy! t's all gardening is isn't it? Pest patrol. Constant, never ending, pest patrol.😆 ~ karen!
You are flipping amazing! I’ve gleaned more from this post than any other I’ve read on Pinterest in the past CaZillion years!!! Oh how I’d love to visit your garden and lust over it!! ( already am!). Thank you! Making me want to get out in mine and continue to plant the fall garden!
Hi Laura! Thanks so much. That was a very fulfilling comment to read! If you're subscribed to my site a new post is coming up on Monday with 40 photos from this year's vegetable garden and accompanying tips. ~ karen!
I think your gardens always LOOK spectacular, but I’m wondering if you think this year looks any different, or is any easier to tend because of the help you enlisted early on the season? I’d like like to think you can really get ahead of weeds, but I fear it’s one of those gardening myths!
Hi Sande! It is possible to get ahead of weeds, but it takes years of being vigilant with not disturbing the soil which brings seeds up to the top to germinate, making sure you pull weeds before they flower and on and on. Where I garden there is no getting rid of the weeds ever - there just isn't. Having Robinson help me weed for a few hours helped because I was able to get everything clean for planting. But I've spent hours and hours weeding since then. In a home garden it usually isn't as relentless and you can get things under control after a few years of proper management. ~ karen!
Terry Rutherford
For anyone looking at a hip replacement, I am back in the garden weeding (and not a moment too soon) at 2 weeks after the surgery. Garden therapy is the best!
Great tips, Karen, as always. Paths were my downfall in the past. Even with boxes, I spent all my time pulling them from gravel or wood chip or fabric paths. Likewise our boxes were cinderblocks, which just filled with dirt and weeds over time.
The solution many won’t like but it kept my sanity: we poured concrete boxes and paths. In golden hue. Now I smile every time I look at them. A garden for us, as you said. I’ll try to attach a photo. Time to go weed!
I think that's a brilliant idea. It looks very tidy (beautiful garden!!), easy to work on, and will never need replacing in this lifetime. ~ karen!
Do you have instructions on how you built the A-Frame hoop house.
Hi Jennifer! I don't I'm afraid. Those are made with specific brackets that were made for building this. I just checked and they're still for sale here at Lee Valley. :) ~ karen!
I read a lot of gardening articles and this is by far one of the best and most helpful. Thank you!!!
Oh! Thank you for letting me know it's been helpful. Now go grow something. ;) ~ karen!
hi Karen, can you provide information on how to find a community garden in the hamilton area as i"d love to get me some dirt
Hi Barb! You can actually just search Google or community gardens. Neighbour to Neighbour in Hamilton has a page listing them on a map https://www.n2ncentre.com/hamilton-community-food-centre/community-garden-networking-program/. Look for one that's the closest to your home and then find their website so you can email them to get on a waiting list. Most have waiting list so get your name on one as soon as possible. ~ karen!
Pattie Meyers
I read your posts religiously, and I truly hope you’ve got a book in your future. Hoping it’s secretly in the works - at least in your beautifully creative, wackadoodle mind.
harry steve
Great article & Wonderful efforts by you. I'm really impressed. Of course, gardening is so good for our environment and health. We turned an empty space into a garden, not just that Can get vegetables from it, we can sell these vegetables and earn money. Planting flowers can enhance the atmosphere of the garden.
I grew two varieties of corn near each other so they crossed pollinate to create weirdness corn.
I love your sharing. It's very useful for gardeners like me.