With New Year's Eve approaching and many of us dusting off our crowns and steaming our chiffon in anticipation of the night's events, it's time we discuss the time honoured tradition of napkin folding for the evening's event.

This particular napkin folding is suitable for any occasion but especially shines at formal events like the one coming up in a few nights.
There are 2 things you can do in life that will make you look more accomplished and generally "better" than you really are.
Firstly, if you're giving a gift that's kindda crappy you should always spend as much time as possible wrapping it. Use beautiful paper, silk ribbon and fresh flowers ... anything to make the gift look better than it is.
Pretty packaging almost always fools us into thinking that what's inside is better than it really is. Which is how beautiful celebrities get away with being asshats.
Secondly, if you can't cook, make sure your dinner table is dressed to the nines. Again ... it's all in the packaging.
If what you're eating is presented beautifully, on a perfectly laid table, chances are you won't notice the food tastes like 15 year old shag carpeting.
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One easy way to improve the look of your dinner table is to take part in the good, old fashioned tradition of napkin folding. It might seem a bit intimidating but it really isn't. With a bit of guidance and a big napkin, you too can fold a napkin. And therefore, you too can fool everyone into thinking your cooking is terrific!
Don't be a chicken. There's nothing to be frightened of ... you can do it in 1 minute flat ... take a look.
How to fold a common dinner napkin into the shape of an elegant dead chicken is one of those capabilities we should all have tucked in our back pocket. It's a skill you can pull out at any time to impress friends and family.
If for some unfathomable reason you don't think a dead chicken is the direction you want to go with your dinner party, you can opt for folding your napkin a significantly blander way.
Here's my tutorial on how to fold a napkin like a tuxedo jacket.
Although really, I can't imagine any occasion that wouldn't benefit from a dead chicken napkin.
OMG I laughed so hard - I was following along, so when you pulled yours out, I also had a dead chicken! You really sucked me in on that one. Although why I thought any napkin folded to resemble a dead chicken would be good, I can't say. But thank you for the laugh I needed it today!
I love your posts but I have trouble with the photos, I usually only get 1 or 2, the rest never show. For example, on this post all I can see is the first photo. I've revisited this post a couple of times hoping for a different result but I can still only see the first picture...so I have no idea what an elegant dead chicken napkin looks like. Just thought I would let you know in case others are having the same issue.
P.S. I try to remember to always use your link for my Amazon shopping. Can you do the same for Wayfair?
You'll need to turn off your ad blocker. Then you'll be able to see the video of the dead chicken napkin. When I had my ad blocker on, all I saw was the single photo you referenced.
Thanks Kim, I will certainly try that!!
Yup, set my "Tracking Prevention" to "Basic" and voila, there were the pictures and videos. Thanks again Kim.
So glad it worked, Cathy!
🤣 Snort. I love you, Karen! 😂😂 I knew you said dead chicken, but the video is awesome, with all the written disclaimers. (“That’s a lie.” “No, I wont.”) so, the snarky vegetarian in me really truly thought you would say you were going to show us how to fold a napkin in the shape of a block of tofu! 😂😂 That’s okay - I’ll use the dead chicken one. ❤️❤️❤️😉