The Christmas decorating for 2024 is done (post coming Friday night) but this tour will help with decorating inspiration in the meantime. After reviewing last year's post I noticed that I didn't include any wide shots of the rooms where you could see the whole thing. It's a lot of vignette shots like the one with Philip below.

They're all nice enough photos, but this year I made sure to do the best I could to get wide shots of entire rooms. It's a large challenge in a tiny house.
Now onto last year's Christmas Tour.
I had a tiny little, almost not even worth mentioning episode where I moved everything around in my house. Really, now that I take a look around, the decorations remained pretty much the same.
It was just the furniture I changed. No big deal. I do this all the time and every time I do it I get a better understanding of my particular brand of crazy and decorating preferences.
We will start in the kitchen as you would see it from entering the back door.

Here we have 2 artificial trees from Ikea in clay pots. A vintage truck fancied up for Christmas with a miniature wreath and red ribbon. In the bed are white trees from the dollar store.
In behind on a book stand is the Bosco & Roxy Seasons Treatings advent calendar for dogs. (** I got another one of these advent calendars this year**). The treats are huge and nice.

See? Huge decorated dog cookies.
Back to the decorating.

The kitchen corner ended up being the place for every Christmas decoration I couldn't find a place for but didn't want to put back in the basement.

My pantry is the one thing that never changes. Ever. It's always with 2 wreaths hanging from fishing line attached to hooks on the inside of the cupboard.
I remember it almost killed me to screw those hooks into my brand new cupboard doors years ago. The next year I added the burlap ribbon. Last year I added the red ribbon.

On the opposite wall is my cabinet of many drawers. Big bells hang off the knobs, a Christmas cookie jar sits beside a pottery jug with pine branches, and there's always a plate of chocolates too.
Into the dining room now.

The spruce garland I ordered straight from China on AliExpress. I don't like to do that but the price of garland like this in stores is insane. Easily a 6' strand of garland like this would be $75-$100. This is two strands on the painting so that would be $200.
Instead it was $19 per strand.
I bought all new garland this year for two reasons. Firstly, my old garland was HUGE fluffy garland that took up a lot of space to store. Space I do not have.
Secondly, after 20 years or so my old garland was getting kind of bleak looking what with the fact that it was disintegrating.

The dining room tree is a live tree. It, like the upcoming one in the living room, was a surprise tree, wrapped up tight in netting.
I was always a chop your own tree down person, from the time I was a child. But now Christmas tree chopping has become an Instagrammable moment that requires reservations at tree cutting farms.
It's the last tradition I thought I'd ever give up, but there's a certain amount of freedom that comes from having a decision made easier. I get my trees from whatever store happens to be selling them bundled up, squished into a bag of netting outside now.
Surprise Tree Tips
I select my netted surprise tree by looking at the trunk to make sure it's straight, making note of how wide the lower branches are by noticing how far up the tree they go inside their netting.
I also check the top to make sure it only has 1 stem up there and I make sure it's straight. Then I lift the tree to feel the weight and look at the size of the trunk. The lighter the tree it is, and the smaller the trunk, the more sparse the tree is going to be.
Would you like to save this stuff?
There are a lot of things you can "see" in a completely wrapped up tree if you know what to look for.

2024 notation:
(Can you spot the thing that drives me crazy in this picture? I needed to slide the framed portrait on the bookcase over to the left. I must have slid it to the right to get into the narrow cupboard to the left.)
Learn how to make sneaky little sliding art like this.

Yes, the train set is back on display, running around the potted Christmas planter I made.
The planter is filled with frosty ferns (which are in fact a type of moss) around the edge, with an amaryllis and paperwhites in the centre. Just days after taking the photo the paperwhites are now blooming and the Amaryllis stem is just starting to emerge.
These are the paperwhites that will be acting as the control group for my paperwhite stem length experiment.
These paperwhites in the concrete bowl are the ones I'm watering with an alcohol solution to keep their stems short.

They're on the marble tulip table in my foyer.

The living room which still holds the sofa that I hate, but at least it's only half of a sofa now. For years I was on the hunt for the perfect English Roll Arm sofa but for this room, I've relented that they're all just too deep.

On top of the Cy Twombly forgery is another new garland.
It's the same cedar that's hanging off of my chandelier in the foyer.

(The Eames chair right there was sold a couple of months later after my January 2024 I'm going to get organized or go crazy episode.)
Wingback chairs are literally meant for firesides. They wings are for preventing draft and trapping the heat from the fireplace.

This buffet? It's on a different wall now. That lamp? In the basement. I have to say I love how the garland, lights and homemade dried orange slices turned out on the mirror though.
More dried orange slices are on the fireplace mantel, along with books, black vases with red berries and in behind you can just barely see Santa doing his business in a urinal.

I had just shaved his face a week earlier, but this is Philip pre professional grooming. He's since been cleaned up, shaved and fluffed by his groomer who we only visit a few times a year.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have some bacon wraps to get started and some wood to split.
I have to stay busy to keep my ridiculousness in check. I'm sure you understand.
Stay tuned for Christmas 2024 coming in the next few days. ~ karen!
Unless I'm just not seeing it, you skipped over those darling blue birds on the garland and curtains. Where'd you get those? I don't celebrate Christmas but I love them!
Hi Jen! Those actually came from my sister, Pink Tool Belt's, now closed store! ~ karen
It's always a treat to make a virtual visit to your home, Karen, and especially during the holidays. Charming throughout! Phillip is such a regal-looking fella. He's charming too! Thanks for all the lovely ideas. So cosy and inviting. :)
You just finished decorating? I took the Christmas pledge and knocked myself out doing everything in November. Including elaborate indoor decor and hand made gifts.
Maybe I will give myself a more leisurely schedule next year.
It is good to have it all finished!
Hi Helen! No, no, I've been done decorating since the beginning of the month (other than the tree which I couldn't decorate until my lights arrived). I have consumed an entire spray can of whipped cream! ~ karen
An entire can? That's a lot of Christmas prep!
I felt a bit guilty until I saw there's really not a lot of calories in it. So I bought another can, lol. ~ karen!
Lol. You know what goes great with whipped cream? Cinnamon.
Or cinnamon and peanut butter.
Place , squirt, whipped cream in a bowl, sprinkle lavishly with cinnamon, and if desired, fold in some peanut butter.
Yum! Works with most flavors (including chocolate and maple. Haven't seen any maple this year... Or caramel hummus. :(
Karen, your Christmas decorations are delightful. I get great inspiration from you thank you and have a very merry Christmas.
Karen, I seldom come away from your blog without a little pearl of wisdom. I now know what to look for in choosing a Christmas tree. And I now know the lofty purpose of a wingback chair!
I do enjoy observing the intense and artistic labours of others for all holidays, especially at Christmas time. You are known to create masterpieces of yuletide celebration. Can hardly wait to see what this year will bring. I DO luv yer stuff.
I love seeing all of your interesting creative things, xmas or otherwise.
Could browse for hours.
Thanks Mary! ~ karen!
I would almost think you are pranking us about Philip and that picture is pre-grooming. It is a gorgeous photo. Nice job. All the best for the coming New Year.
I couldn’t find a video or any link to one so I’m guessing I’m just missing it due to exhaustion. I looked through your photos though! Impressive as usual Karen.
I woke up to a weather alert and it’s just like me, a pagan living in Las Vegas, to delight in a true high desert snow flurry Christmas. At least that’s what my Apple Weather alert promised. I couldn’t resist, a walk out in front of our oasis, in actual 32°F at 3:25 AM, wearing nothing but my sleep shorts, a tiny purple tee, favorite slippers and Elliott the cockatoo on my shoulder, to delight in true pagan style (us modern pagans in cul de sacs, even in Sin City, wear enough to keep the neighbors from calling the po-po) to check out the crisp, marvelous cold air, see the Solstice lunar orb overhead and then run inside and hop under my goose down comforter with Elliott in full agreement as he scurried “UNDER” to hide and get back to his tropical self - poor guy. “UNDER” is his vocabulary, plainly telling me to allow himself to be covered in a soft down comforter the way he’s intend to be as a bird.
It’s all fun and games until you freeze your pet cockatoo. Not to worry, he’s warmed up now.
Karen, as usual you’ve outdone yourself & left Martha Stewart in the dust, crying tears of shame. I envy your fortitude and tiny cottage. Absolutely brilliant decorating AGAIN.
I hung my dried oranges on my tree and they glow like old stained glass with a mix of clear and colored twinkle lights behind them.
I stared at that picture of your tree with the library shelves and old rustic floor with the Asian rug and the burlap under the tree and tried to figure out what you might include as the focus of an upcoming post.
Could it be a lesson in how to decorate a tree, starting by placing the lights inside the branches and working outwards in layers of ornaments? How to group them? No? How to inspire fear by owning a vast library on how to decorate and fix your sink while cooking a five course meal and cleaning the bathroom simultaneously?
How to take a normal old Canadian cottage and turn it into a magical winter wonderland by using the “block system” in which each space “block” is separated into zones to create perfect vignettes of decor (the subtle art of staging?) and making one the envy of all North America? I’m just spitballing here. Throwing everything against the wall & hoping something will stick.
I give up.
You’re delightful. Please share your Christmas Eve menu and enjoy the silence.
Here’s a Pagan photo from tonight🌵
Hi Pam! Try to clear your cache, or use a different browser to see the video. I only encourage you to do so because the house is quite different in the video, having changed everything around a week ago. My Christmas crazy made not doing so impossible. How do you like all those double negatives? No snow here! So you're ahead of me there. Not even a flurry. Just a Christmas day of damp fog and possible rain. ~ karen!
The old cache clearing or different browser trick huh? Will do.
I made some progress with my atelier so it’s a tiny bit less of a mess. If I could make the upright piano go away in there I’d be thrilled.
Dinner at my place is mostly prepared except for the Caesar Salad. Plus I cleaned like a maniac but Elliott’s den area cage needs to be freshened up. He won’t let me dress him. I’ve tried. If he would he’d be wearing an atrocious St Nick Cage Christmas cockatoo sized sweater. He threatens to remove fingers when approached with bird clothes. He takes the fun right out of having a bird as a pet.
I’ll even wear casual entertaining type clothes and don some makeup. Woo-hoo!
Merry Festivus to all of you.
(I had to rewire blow-mold Santa and repaint some spots to use him this year- he was pretty sad until he got fixed up)
I thought I missed something also. I wasn't finding a link. But when I went down the page I saw the little pictures with each one having the video for this year and others from the past. Hope maybe that helps.
Philip is the best decoration of all, and you get to enjoy him year round! I love seeing other people's homes, especially when all tricked out for Christmas. You gave me a decorating idea for a (not-vintage) pickup truck I have sitting on my dresser. I have no idea what fun you have in store for us, but I would love to stand in front of your bookcase and snoop among all the titles. Thank you for sharing your home and your beautiful dog. Merry Christmas to you both.
Thanks Kathy! And you're right. I take pics of Philip every night when he's curled up in a chair in front of the fireplace because he's just so picturesque. Merry Christmas! ~ karen
This year, with my kitchen remodel complete and the 6’ island primed for decorations, I ordered the train. After all the baking was done and and the house scrubbed down I got excitedly busy unboxing it to set it up. So proud I was going to be to surprise my husband! Well, I’m glad I checked the cars before unbundling and setting up the tracks because the battery pack compartment was missing the part to put the batteries in. Back to Amazon it went. Boo! Or should I say Bah Humbug!
On another, more important note, how do you keep your rugs in place with a large dog? I am forever flipping the corners back down and repositioning them. I have good, heavy felt pads with grippy bottoms underneath and it doesn’t matter. Penny even manages to move the 10’ Persian living room rug that’s under furniture and I have trouble moving the furniture to straighten it out, SOS!
Oh, I'm always straightening the rugs. I've have special underpads for them and they still flip when Philip runs back and forth. Also, the train doesn't have a battery area that I remember. The second car, has a rechargeable battery built into it and you charge it that way. ~ karen!
I like the candlelabras with the red berries on the table. I still think it'd be cool to use your fishing line trick to float the candles just above. Give it "A Christmas Carol" vibe. Lol. 😁
So, favorite Christmas movie list? (Other than hallmarks / similar, maybe? Just cause there are so many.)
I'll start. the Muppet Christmas Carol. 😜
I like the classics. Like Elf, lol. ~ karen!
Ah yes, Elf!
So, Muppet Christmas Carol, Elf, Arthur Christmas, ...
Hi Karen!
And happy holidays! Your house looks spectacular🌲
I especially like hoe you've "flocked " your birds together..very appropriate. I have a bird tree, its a lighted faux birch with a plethora of birds, nests and bird houses on it. ( I have FOUR trees in my house currently..I get your kind of crazy😉).
I have a quick tip for you for next Year's amaryllis blog. Before potting, let the roots (bottom portion,) pre- soak in water for like, over night. It gives them a jump start! I saw this on youtube and tried it on some that I had stored from last year! It's WORKING!😲
Oh, and could it be decorating candleabras?
It is not decorating candelabras but I could do a post on that one year. I know about the soaking, but I've never been bothered to do it. If I remember I'll do an experiment next year. the paperwhite experiment is going REMARKABLY well. I'll update on them later on. ~ karen!
I think I’ve guessed your potential next talking point -hanging a picture frame on the front of a book case. Just off centre. Just so. I like it.
You're on the right track, but not quite. ~ karen!
I love your decorations.your home is lovely.your dog is sweet.thanx for sharing wirh us
Ps i dont do any is very freeing
Thanks Genevieve! I love the decorating while it's up. And then by week 3 or 4 I usually can't wait to put it all away. ~ karen!
The house looks gorgeous, but Philip is downright regal!
He really is! ~ karen